A Whole New World

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Oliver looked at Barry and could read on his face that something was wrong.
Barry took down his cowl and he and Oliver stepped outside to the garden. "I've been through this, running back in time before, but I had no idea I could actually change time like this." Barry freaked out.
"What do you mean?" Oliver asked. "Take it slow. I'm not following, dear." Once again Barry felt a warmth inside because of Oliver's sweet nickname for him. But something was very wrong, Barry knew that.
"We're not actually married. You're with Felicity Smoak and I was sort of seeing this Patty girl." Barry explained. Oliver laughed a dry laugh.
"What? Felicity? But she's engaged to Ray Palmer and they're expecting their first child, Barry." Oliver said and Barry pulled a hand through his hair. What the hell did I do, he thought to himself "And if it's Patty Spivot you're referring to, I know for a fact that you could never date her. She's working with Zoom. The villain who almost paralyzed you last week." Oliver explained further.
Barry sighed and walked across the lawn. Maybe he was in a comatose dream since Zoom attacked him he thought. But he clearly remember recovering from that injury. "I have to fix this." he muttered to himself as he kept walking.
"Barry, stop. Hey, talk to me." Oliver said and Barry stopped and he sighed again.
"I know you think I'm crazy, but I'm telling the truth, Ollie. Things have changed and it's all my fault so I have to make it right again." Barry said but was caught of guard by Oliver grabbing both his hands. Then he looked deeply into Barry's eyes and he couldn't help, but wish it could stay like this, but he knew it couldn't. It wasn't right. The universe could be at stake. He couldn't be selfish. He pulled his hands free from Oliver's grasp. "Ollie." Barry sighed. "This isn't real." Barry pointed at himself and then back at Oliver. Something on his finger caught his attention. A ring that looked an awful a lot like a wedding ring. Barry's mind was spinning.
Oliver took a step closer and leaned in and kissed Barry. He froze when Oliver's soft lips touched his. He had thought about kissing Oliver Queen so many times, but had accepted a long time ago that it would never ever happen. But here they were now, in the dark under the stars and Oliver's mouth was on Barry's so he threw all the sense and the warning flags aside and returned the kiss. He couldn't resist the urge to wrap his arms around Oliver's neck and pull him even closer to him while the kiss went from tender to passionate in a few seconds.
Oliver took a step away and looked into Barry's eyes again. "Did that feel real enough for you?" Oliver asked. Barry blushed and replied a breathless "Damn..." and Oliver smiled as Barry continued the sentence "...I totally see now why all those girls just threw themselves at you."
"But then you came along." Oliver said and Barry had never seen that tenderness in his blue eyes before and it made him feel so warm and happy.
"Come on, let's go before we get attacked again." Oliver said and reached out his hand while starting to walk away. "Where are we going?" Barry wondered.
"Home." Oliver said and gave Barry another heartwarming smile while he waited for Barry to take his hand and Barry knew it was an extremely bad idea, but he grabbed Oliver's hand and went home with him.

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