Chapter 4.

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Hurray!! It's Saturday!!

Once again Yugi was extremely excited to see Laika again.. Right now, he was getting dressed, almost ready for what today's excitement was..... But hey.. She didn't say where they were going.....

It's must be a nice surprise..

Soon his phone rang... "Hello? "

"Hey Good morning kid. "

"Laika!! Good morning! Did you sleep well? "

"Sure did.. And you? "

"I couldn't sleep a wink.! I'm so excited for today! "

Laika laughed.. "Aww kid... Very well.. Then I will make sure it will be worth it. I will be picking you up in 10 minutes.... Am already on my way.... Make sure you get breakfast. "

"Okay mom... " he joked.

"You better kid. "

They both laughed and he cut off the phone.

Already dressed, he ran down to the dinner table to get breakfast... But landed a break.... When he saw Joey, Tristan and Tea here....

"Why are they here? " he thought.

He shrugged his shoulders not caring for the moment.. They were probably waiting for Yami.... As always..

Yugi ignores them as they talked and grabbed a toast..

"Oh.. Hey Yugi... "

Yugi froze..... Was someone talking to him..

"Hey Yugi... Over here! "

He turns... Seeing his friends looking at him..

"Huh?.......oh... Hey? Yami's coming down soon.. " he quickly answers, thinking that they were asking of his older brother whereabouts..

Before they could talk back.. Yami was already on his way..

"Hey Yami... You ready..? "

"You bet.. " He answers back.. Then he faces Yugi who was blinking back at him... "Is he looking at me? " Yugi thought unsure.

"Say... Yugi how about you come with us to the arcade? It's being a while since you came with us. " Yami spoke.

It felt like time froze..... Was.. Yami... Inviting him... With them... To the arcade...? Can someone tell him what's going on?!

"Yeah... We really miss ya.. Yugi.. Sorry we haven't be hanging out... We wanna say sorry and let's hang out together.. Like old times. " Joey spoke.

"Yeah... We didn't mean to be ignoring you.. " Tea spoke.

Tristan nods in agreement.

Well.... It would be nice to join them.... But he already made plans... So sorry.. Besides now that he has Laika... Why would he need them...? They can gather around Yami all they want.. He didn't care about it anymore.

"Sorry... Already made plans... I'm going out....."

They blinked.

"Plans..... What plans..? "

Suddenly a VOOMING!!! Sound came from outside the shop.

They got out side to see Laika ready waiting for him.

"Hey Laika!!! " Yugi greeting his friend and leaving his old ones behind.

"Sup..Yugi... And looking good. " she compliments.

Yugi runs his head with a huge grin on his face.

The others just watched in confusion.

"Wait... So your going out with her..? Are you two dating? " Joey asked.

Yugioh Yami Yugi X Oc Reader: The African Queen Where stories live. Discover now