Chapter 3.

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It's P. E period and Laika was in the basketball court playing against her team's opponents and scoring numerous points..

Tea was in the opponent team and she didn't like how Laika was acting points Willy Nilly..

Anytime She scores, the boys watching from her class and others classes would cheer with awe and amazement... Showing praises and compliments.

Tea grins as she tries to block Laika trying to prevent her from scoring but Laika immediately changes directions and shoots the ball from afar scoring another point.

Yugi was watching from a corner.. Holding a bottle of water..

He grins and cheers his friend on whenever she shoots another basket.

Wow!! She's really good..

Soon his eyes turns to see Yami, Joey and Tristan in another corner and it seems Yami wasn't watching Tea... He was watching Laika..

Yugi frowns... Was he after Laika?.... Well he can forget it... He may have lost his friends to him.... But he was not going to loose Laika to him..

Soon the game was over and Yugi was about to make his way to meet her..... But froze to see Yami already making his movement to Laika.... Yugi gritted his teeth in rage...

He watch them talk...... Er... More like Yami was the one talking.. Laika was just staring at him with an eyebrow up.

Yugi sighs softly and turns... Maybe Yami will be able to win her over.....

"Hey kid.... Why the long face..? "

"Huh? "

He turns to see Laika facing him with a smile..

"Laika!! Er... Sorry.. Just thinking about something... "

"Oh... And may I be a busybody and ask what your thinking about? "

"Well..... Er...... " Yugi blushes as he gives her the bottle..

She smiles and takes it.. "Like I said before.. Your sweet. Keep it up kid. " she compliments as she takes a gulp from the bottle..

"Hey.. Do you mind if I take you home... And since tomorrow is Saturday.. I was wondering if we could hang out.. To know each other better... And maybe play some duel monsters.. "

"YES!  I mean.. Yeah.. Sure.. I will be ready.. "

She smiles... And both of them left the court..

Yami from afar was glaring.... He just wanted to compliment her for a well played game.... But she just ignored him and went after Yugi..

No girl has ever ignored him before... And now that one has... And it's the girl he wanted to got to know better.... And maybe find answers to his questions.

The pharaoh clenches his fist in anger and walks away.. Leaving his friends behind in confusion.

"What's gotten into him? " Joey asked.

"Maybe because She ignored him? " Tristan answers unsure.

"Huh!! Stop saying nonsense.. Why would he be upset over that.? " Tea asked with a glare...

The boys couldn't anger that.

Tea folded her hands with rage.. If what they say is true... Looks like she has competition and a big one..

Yami didn't even compliment her for the game... But instead he went after Laika... When she saw that... It made her blood boil with jealousy and anger..

Yugioh Yami Yugi X Oc Reader: The African Queen Where stories live. Discover now