Chapter II - "I'll be your company"

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A week later.

The brunette Saltzman twin stood beside her bed, folding up her blanket and setting it down on the edge of the bed afterwards. She had just woken up a few minutes ago and found herself alone in the bedroom with her sister nowhere around, which was odd since she was usually the one who would wake up before the blonde.

"Josette Olivia Saltzman!"

Speak of the devil.

The brunette turned around at her name to only find her sister behind her with her arms crossed. Josie rolled her eyes, already knowing what her sister's upcoming rant was probably going to be about since she always had called her by her full name whenever she had an issue with her, so she faced away from her again.

"Care to explain why you're choosing not to attend my party on Friday?" Lizzie huffed.

Yep, there it is.

"I'm not going because I just don't feel like it, okay?" Josie grumbled. She knew what she was saying wasn't really a good excuse, but it was the truth. She had grown tired of Lizzie's constant pleads to go to her stupid parties all the time. Sitting all by herself and watching everyone else have a good time while she wasn't was all she ever did at all of her parties. She had never really gotten any fun out of them, like she was supposed to. There weren't exactly any good memories for her to convince herself to show up at them in the first place, let alone to even think about.

Josie heard her twin sigh before hearing slow steps approached her.


Josie couldn't make sense of it. She had always wondered what the reason was for her sister to want her to come. She could just choose not to invite her and absolutely nothing would change. The blonde would just be occupied with her own company, spending her entire time with them, as always. And maybe even Josie would be left in peace if she didn't have to go.

The brunette turned her head over her shoulder to see Lizzie just a few steps away from her, "Why?"

"Because why not?" Lizzie responded lightly. The brunette didn't reply, so Lizzie continued, "I mean come on, you always go to them and never complain."

"Yeah, well it's different this time." Josie voiced a bit hastily. "I'm just not in the mood for it. Besides, why do you even want me to be there?"

"I just," Lizzie started, taking another step, "I want you to be there. I like having my sister with me."

Josie squinted her eyes and scoffed. "You barely even pay attention to me at your parties." She complained. "You're always busy hosting them and having fun with everyone else, constantly leaving me with-"

The brunette paused, suddenly coming to a realization. "I-Is this because of Penelope?"

Lizzie's facial features instantly changed. Her angry demeanor was dropped and replaced with a soft one, almost as if she were afraid. Josie scoffed at her, figuring that this meant that she was headed the right direction with her thoughts. She just couldn't believe her. "Is that why you've always invited me? Did she ask you to do this?"

"Jo, it's not like that-"

"Then explain it to me Lizzie. Why is it that you always ask me to go to your parties and my ex would always be there to try to approach me? Do I have to mention that I already have a girlfriend?" Josie was obviously angry at this point.

The blonde stared at her brunette sister, knowing that she had to explain some things to her now in order for her to ever forgive her. "She came to me the other night and asked for me to help her get a chance for her to apologize to you."

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