Devondosetomahawk Car park (Christmas special)

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Diary the night before

Christmas is the best time of year for me because I love to give gifts and obvious receive one as well. I know this past year has been a mess but Christmas just make me forget it because December is the month of happiness and there no time to be depressed. Tomorrow I'm going shopping with Julio (ThatOnetomahawk). I'm so excited better be going to be night.

Devon P.O.V Present day

I'm waiting in the car park for Julio.

When the hell is he I thought.

(30 minutes later)

He finally here.

"I'm so sorry I'm late I got stuck in traffic." He said.

"It's okay at least your here now, Soooo Where do you want go first?" I asked.

"Can we go grab some lunch, I'm starving because I kind of miss breakfast." He said.

"Yeah, of course where do you want to go?" I said.

"McDonald's please." He said smiling.

"Okay there one this way." I said start walk down the street.

I don't know how or why but when I'm with Julio I forget all my worried.

(At McDonald's)

"So what you gonna get?" I asked holding door open for him.

"Umm...problemly a cheese burger, medium fries with a hot chocolate. What about you?" He said

"The same." I said.

"We are so twins." He said smiling.

"I know you find a table while I grab our food." I said.

"Okay." He said walking away.

I join the queue and got are food.

I look around see Julio still looking for a table.

I walk over to him and trap him on the shoulder.

"I see no lucky with find a table." I said.

"Yeah." He said.

"We can eat in the car." I suggested.

"Yeah better than stand up." He said.

So walk we back to the car.

I unlock my car and open the door for Julio.

"Thanks." He said.

"No need to thank me I'm just being friendly." I said.

"Whatever you say." He said as close the door.

I walk round the first of the car and got in the other side.

"Soo what you doing for Christmas?" I asked.

"Nothing much just going to family for lunch then stay there for a bit then go home, what are you doing." He said.

"Umm...problemy I'm have flew friend round for dinner." I said.

"Aren't you going have family round." He said.

"Yeah but there only come down for Christmas eve." I said lying through my teeth.

"Devon i know your lying." He said.

God dam it.

"Devon, why are lying about your family." He asked.

I just remember my family when we were happy. Was happy. Now their hate me and don't care about me.

I could feel my eyes treising up, a minute later I'm cry my eyes out.

next thing I know Julio put his food down lift me over to sit on his lap

"Shh calm down." He said rubbing my back.

I sat cry on his shoulder What feel so perfect.

"I'm sorry." I stiffed.

"No I should of question it." He said.

"No, I shouldn't of lie." I said feel ashamed so I like down.

"Look at me Devon." He said.

Slowly look up to see those sparkly eyes.

"Don't cry please." He said.

"I can't." I said.

"Why?" He said.

"My family hate me." I shouted.

"Oh, can do something make you happy." He said.

"Yeah, but I doubt it." I said being cut of by lips place on my lips.

A minute later are lips part.

"Don't really feel like shop now." I said.

"Me neither." He said

Yeah finally finish


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