i cant sleep Jordan

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Jordan P.O.V

Today I'm been so busy run here and there and everywhere. I haven't had time to record a video or even going to the computer. I post on twitter a few time. Ugh life is so complicated. Now it time to bed I haven't even done anything I want to do. I grab phone and went on twitter. I scrolled down the feed nothing interesting. I send a tweet say 'Good night.' Then I flob on my bed. I lay there for a minute or two before get up getting a glass of water. I take a sip of the water and place on the side table of my bed. Then get in bed.

I lay here for hours. I close my eyes just see my life last year drug, depressed, hanging with wrong people, smoking, run away, being centre of attention. I'm so glab I'm not that kid any more. Everytime close my eye those image come into my head.

20 minute later, I got out of bed a walk into the bathroom. I spash some cold water on my face. I really can't sleep. I look in the mirror to see a pall boy. Oh wait that me. I walk out the bathroom into my bedroom grab my phone of the side and ran down stair, grab my skateboard and put some shoe on. Open the door and walk outside. I was just about close the door before I remember to get my keys. I quickly grab them and lock the door. Open the front gate to the pavement. I put phone and my keys in my pocket before putting my skateboard down and skate down the road.

I skate past where I used to hang with my old friends. It feel odd because me last year is completely different to who I'm now. Now I play game for a living and hang with right people but back then I hung with the wrong people with got me into a lot of trouble.

I skate past the park where I first found my old friends. I really wonder where they are now are they worst than before I left or have they seen the light and gone back to they happy self. I really don't know why I stay with them as long as I did.

I quickly skated to the lake. The place where I can escape the world for a bit. It the place where I forget my past and present. I go to the spot you can see the best view of the lake. It in the brushes but the view is perfect. This place is my little secret for outsude it look like mess of tree but it like a cover of tree and has a log just perfectly place to see the view.

I crawl through the hole in the brush. To magical place I love. I got up of the ground and wipe my knee clean and walk over to the lonely log in the cove. I sat down on the log and look out to the beautiful view stay ahead. It so wonderful here at night. The lake shimer in the moon light and there no animal to be seen. It almost unatural quiet. I sat there and wonder what is my point in my life? and how have I help other? and ither question like that.

Next thing I know a leaf fall right infront of me. I go to pick it up when a swam of firefly fly past my eyes. Fire fly are so beautiful and free. I wish could be free as them. All the wonder turn to dream and then fell alseep instand.

Hope you enjoy the chapter i know it a bit random.




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