after the rainbow, there will be rain again.

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waking up in the morning with taehyung nuzzled into his throat and hugging his bare chest was something out of a daydream. his hair was all fluffy, and when the wind flowed from the open window, his mint hair would flow just a little, and jungkooks heart would melt every time. 

jungkook fluffed the other's hair with carefulness, trying not to wake him up. he quivered under his touch, pressing his face more into jungkooks chest.

there was a knock at the door, and soon his mother came into the room and stepped back in surprise.

"kookie, what are you doing? who is that? is that taehyung?"

jungkook glared over sleepily, shushed his mother, then looked back to his baby, who was stirring and didn't need to be woken up. his mother had obviously had enough of jungkook treating her like a shadow, and she slammed the door and walked inside, scaring jungkook, and making tae jump in his sleep.

"jeon jungkook you better tell me what's going on or i swe- are you not wearing a shirt?" she questioned angrily, yanking the covers off the cuddling pair. what his mother saw was nothing short of what she would call absolutely disgusting. tae was curled up in jungkooks hold, jungkooks arm under tae's head, resting snugly in the loop of his neck.

tae shifted, opening his eyes and shielding them from the light, nuzzling more into jungkook. "hey... can i have my blankie back now...?" taehyung whined, and jungkooks mother glared at him in disgust. she threw the discarded blanket at him and stormed out of the room with nothing but a scoff and a slammed door.

tae sits up and straddles jungkook, laying on his chest and smiling. "love you s'much kookie," tae whispers, nuzzling into his skin.

"taetae, get off me," jungkook threatened, taehyungs submissive side complying, but still unhappy.

"but kookie," he pouts, "i jus wan cuddles..."

"taehyung you ruined my family. my mother hates me now, do you realize that?" jungkook snarls, his eyes like fire, burning holes into taehyungs skin. taehyung unknowing what he did, reaches out and tries to grab jungkook. jungkook unwilling of being touched by him slaps his hands away and scoffs, walking over to his closet, opening the door and stepping inside.

"k-kookie," taehyung stutters, sniffing and wiping a tear. taehyung, being the smart person he is, grabs a hoodie off the floor, and bolts out the door, running down the stairs, sneaking past all people in the house, and running out the door with a choked sob.

taehyung sprinted down dimly lit streets of manhattan, dodging the occasional person here and there. every step felt like bullets in his ears, his breathing increasing with every step. his heart hurting like a gunshot in his chest. time moved slowly like he was running through a slowed loop. he ran until he felt that crack of lighting, his heart dropping instantly. speedwalking to the nearest bus stop, he curled up into the seat and looked at the sky.. taehyung couldn't make out any stars.

and he didn't have his jungkook.

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