school sucks.

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"tae tae berry!!!" jimin yelled, cascading through the door and shuffling to tae with a big grin on his face. "can we talk, i have something to tell youuu..."

jimin grabbed taehyungs hand, pulling him away from the crowd in the locker area. the loud noise of students shuffling to put their things in their lockers filled the corridor.

"okay, so what is it that you wanted to ask me?" taehyung mumbles, fiddling with his hands under the extended sleeve of his hoodie.

"do you like jungkook?" jimin asked. tae's face must have turned pink because jimin smiled. "wait wait wait wait hold on," jimin cleared his voice, and began again. "dude c' mere. you're gay. i fucking knew it, dude! you know how i know? because you be looking around n shit." jimin said, before busting out a laugh.

"jimin..." tae mumbled. "promise you won't tell?" he shuffled around, and played with some of the longer strands of his hair.

"I promise taetae. now let's get to class." 


"ok, the bell has rung, you are now dismissed," the English teacher stated in her naturally loud voice. "have a good day!"

the classroom swarmed with people, the clatter of the books, phones, water bottles, and pencils filled the room. taehyung, on instinct, threw his hood over his head and walked out of the door with his head down as always. the hallways busy, but taehyung's mind was busier. he fought his way through the crowd of people and made his way to the oak tree to the right of the front doors. standing there were hobi, jimin, and jungkook. the smirk on jimin's face was more than enough to make tae go to his neutral face. 😐 (HAHA SRRY LAFFED)

walking home, jimin and hobi make direct eye contact. jimin raises an eyebrow and flicks his head toward taehyung and jungkook, hobi getting the memo and smirking. 

"hey uh, i forgot that yoongi hyung invited me to go out for coffee so im just gonna go..."

"uh yea i need to feed my fish," jimin stuttered. "see ya!"

jungkook turned around displaying a look of confusion. "you don't have a fish jiminie." jimin looked to the left and right and then scurried after hobi.

"hey man don't leave me," jimin screamed after him.


jungkook turned around and fell on the beanbag in his room, taking the xbox controller off the side table resting beside him. since he and tae didn't get along, what better way to talk to him than to play videogames? yea, not really. jungkook just wants to make sure tae isn't cutting himself.

he shot a quick text to him.


hey wanna play modern warfare


why not

there was a quiet knock on the door. jungkook quickly mumbled a "come in," and taehyung shuffled over and sat on the floor. 

"you don't have to sit on the floor taetae. c'mere."jungkook says calmly, scooting over on the bean bag to make room for him.

"b-but theirs not eno-" he's shushed when jungkook tugs him down on the beanbag, positioning him facing the tv screen, throwing his arms over him so his hands rest close to taes chest. 

"yes there is."


after about 2 hours, the controller in jungkooks hand falls and tae jumps. he turns around and jungkook is fast asleep. grabbing his phone, he snaps a quick picture.


vantae look at this bozo 😐

Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.

vantae look at this bozo 😐

<3 92

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jhobo wow he looks dead :smirk:

❝little wonders❞ -fin-Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang