"He..he's different," Minghao answers vaguely. Wonwoo doesn't understand what he's trying to say but he doesn't question. Which allows the younger to continue, "if people realize he's associated with me, they'll think he's lost his mind."

"Minghao, nobody will think that. Nobody cares about who associates with who, unless they're some psychopath," Wonwoo points out, Soonyoung shortly nods his head agreeing with the boy, "you've been caught up in that idea for a while, it's not good. How will you make more friends?"

Minghao shrugs his shoulders, crossing his arms as he slowly slumps into his chair. "You two are all I need."

"As sweet as that sounds, I would be happy to see you conversing with other people who aren't us. Whether if it's someone from the music department or Wen Junhui the school's volleyball captain. I really don't care, because having more people involved in your life will allow your perspective to change." Wonwoo always tried his best to reason with the boy, it was like talking to a brick wall. Minghao would always just nod as a response to his words, but there was no change within the boy's beliefs and attitude. "You know? I always give you this lecture because I want you to have some new people in your life, I know how your life works. But, just because you've been restricted from going outside, that doesn't mean you should restrict yourself from investing your time in the individuals that exist on this earth."

Soonyoung begins to clap, which of course breaks the tension between the two boys. "Beautiful as always Wonwoo, you poet. I could listen to you all day."

A couple of students turn to their table, asking them politely to quiet down. Wonwoo sighs, packing up his materials into his backpack. The other two watch him do the activity until he says another word. "Let's take this outside, we're going to get louder by the second. Besides, I don't think anyone would want to hear this." Soonyoung and Minghao nod after hearing his suggestion, Wonwoo leads the way outside as they exit the library. Groups would usually exit and some would come in time to time.

As they get to the door, Wonwoo pushes it open and bumps into another student while doing so. He mutters a small, "Sorry," before continuing on with his journey out and opens the door wide enough for Soonyoung and Minghao to exit.

"It's alright-," Joshua says with a reassuring smile, "Jun come on let's-"


The familiar voice shocked the other younger male to the core, he had to stop in the doorway and slowly lookup. He couldn't believe that his eyes were intaking the sight of his one and only window neighbor, Junhui. "J-Jun?"

"Hao! Oh wow, I never thought I'd see you around. Soonyoung? I thought you didn't know Hao?" As the blonde was caught red-handed, "Did you need help with physics? Is Hao tutoring you or something? I bet he's really smart."

Before Minghao can ask for an explanation, Soonyoung immediately jumps in. "Yeah! I figured out that he was in my physics class and he's been doing really well from what Mr. Chung said so I asked him for some extra help."

"That's really nice of you to do Hao," Jun compliments, but Minghao avoids eye-contact and it's clear that he was uncomfortable due to the situation he was in. The older brunette was able to read his body language, putting a hand on Joshua's shoulder he nods his head. "let's go Shua, lunch doesn't last forever so let's find that book you need. Bye Hao, Soonyoung." Shortly the two disappear into the library and away from the doorway.

After exiting the area, Soonyoung begins to explain immediately to his best friends. "Okay, you're probably like what the fuck but let me explain. Jun and I have dance together, he asked about Hao and since I know you like your privacy-" As he turns to Minghao, "I told him I wasn't associated with you in any way because it seemed as if he was looking for someone who was. Besides, I think he'd try and ask me for help to befriend you, I'd rather have him do that himself."

Minghao rolls his eyes, he was glad that Soonyoung was thoughtful when it came to his choices but it led him to an awkward position earlier. "You're smart, but also an idiot. You almost outed yourself out, you're lucky that I didn't try and clear things up."

"So...you're not angry?"

"I wouldn't be," Wonwoo's input reassured the boy slightly, "I'd rather have Jun try on his own to befriend me if I was Minghao. Instead of having one of my friends giving him a head start, besides Jun seems to emphasize Minghao's comfort level if you didn't catch him earlier."

"What are you talking about? And to answer that Yongie, no I'm not angry. It would be salty to be angry over something like this." Minghao answers but turns back to Wonwoo to listen. "What do you mean comfort level?"

"You were avoiding eye contact, your body language gave it away and he took that as a sign to leave. He didn't push you although he seemed to have a great interest in seeing you." The older male explained, "It was obvious, but of course you didn't catch it because you refused to even look at him."

"That's really thoughtful of him," Soonyoung adds, "a lot of people would just bug you Hao. It's nice to see someone who understands you - kinda?"

Minghao takes a couple of seconds to respond, "He doesn't know me well, therefore he doesn't understand me at all. He analyzed the situation and took the initiative of what he should do. It's not that deep."

"It's not that deep," Wonwoo doesn't hesitate to impersonate the boy, "you're lucky you know martial arts because I really want to beat the sense into you."

"That was him? Your window neighbor?" Joshua questions as his eyes scan through the array of books in front of him. Jun nods from his question, "he's fairly quiet, kinda awkward. I find it somewhat cute though. Is he single?"

"Shua~" The younger hits the boy who lets out a little giggle, "I don't know..I haven't really asked those types of personal questions. I don't know if we'll even get to that stage..."

"He seemed to avoid looking at you, maybe he's just shy," Joshua states, hoping that his input would reassure the brunette. "he has friends, I bet it took a while for him to warm up to them as well. It may be the same situation for you."

"Yeah I know..." Jun sighs, leaning against one of the bookcases. "It's just..I don't know where this is all going? I'm willing to be patient, but, is Hao even willing to open up to me?"

Joshua finally found the novel he was looking for and slips it out of its spot, he glances over to Jun and gives him a smile. "Don't know, the characters within a story never know what's gonna happen to them. Nor do they know what others around them will do or say. So, just wish for the best because not everyone gets their happy ending."

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