Chapter 1: How Peaceful, Not!

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(No POV)

It's a beautiful day outside, birds are singing, flowers are blooming, on days like this, is a perfect day to relax and enjoy the peace given to them, especially to the operators of Rhodes Island that has been under a lot of missions lately.

Days like this are hard to come by for them, especially as they put their lives on the line on helping other infecteds and non infected.

And a special shout out to the Doctor of Rhodes island that lost her sanity for not getting what she wanted.


Peaceful days like this is truly hard to come by for the hard working operators of Rhodes Island, it will be a pity if a certain god comes and ruins it.



In the Dormitory

Pramanix softly hums as she sat on the sofa of her dorm while fiddling her favorite silk, enjoying the peaceful day with no missions or work, a perfect day for her to take the opportunity to 'recharge'.

Which can also be called as slacking off.

"Fufu, what a peaceful day." She smiles before it turned into a slight frown as she fiddles her silk.

Despite the peaceful day she was having, she couldn't help but feel restless as she felt she has forgotten something but cannot recall what it is.

"Oh dear, have I forgotten something..." She whispers as she tried to think what she has forgotten.

As she tries to remember, the dorm suddenly shook, making her hold tightly on her silk, scaring her before the alarms blaired before she heard the voice of Doberman's voice through the speakers.

"Rhodes Island is under attack, I repeat, Rhodes Island is being attack, this is not a drill!" Doberman said before the speaker went quiet.

Pramanix stood up as she put her silk down, only to fall down as the place shook again, making her yelp as she fell down in surprise before rubbing her rear.

"Mou, and here I am enjoying the peaceful day." Pramanix sighs as she stood back up and immediately went out.

The moment she steps outside, she saw other operators running through one direction before noticing everyone are armed with their prefered weapons. She looks at her side as her hand grasped her bell, the very bell that was gifted to her by the god of Kjerag.

Which for some reason is glowing.

"Wait, glowing?" Pramanix whispers as she looks at her bell.

She looks at her bell intently before she remembers why it glows and when it does.....

....It only spells trouble.

"Oh no...." Pramanix whispers in worry.

Without any second thoughts, she immediately ran on the direction they went off to and prayed that the God of Kjerag has not caused too much damage or else...

God or not, she will give him a harsh scolding!

Her ears twitched as she picks up the sounds of gunfire and explosions, she followed the sound to reach the place it originated from and before she made a turn, a body flew past her.

Blinking in surprise, she turns her head to where the body came from and saw the a person, which she is very familiar and close with, is currently engaged in a fight with the operators of Rhodes Island, which is very much one sided as they can't land a hit on him as he causes more damage to them.

The Saintess and the God (God! Male Reader X Pramanix X Harem)Where stories live. Discover now