let's talk about enbyphobia

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enbyphobia. you know the definition, also known as exorsexism. ie dislike or prejudice against nonbinary people.

this is rarely talked about - in fact, i only stumbled upon these terms a few days ago, but it's really important to educate people on.

there are very subtle versions of enbyphobia, for instance excluding nbs from lgbt spaces and claiming nonbinary people are just women lite.

a good many posts i've seen on tumblr exclude nonbinaries, and say things like nblm dni on posts that nonbinaries can relate to and enjoy.

i have no issue with binaries wanting their own space, but it.. still strikes a chord with me i guess. it feels like they're grouping us in with women.

likewise, posts about nbs get little notes, while the same posts about women or men get over 1k notes.

after coming across this term, i was also led to believe that i suffer from internalised enbyphobia. this was a new revelation to me, but i'm pretty sure it's true. i don't feel proud to be nonbinary, and i feel excluded from communities that i am, or should be a part of.

lately i've been going through anti nb posts as a form of self harm i guess - doing it on purpose to make me feel horrible, and i've come to realise just how much of our community hates us. this is why we should stick together, in our little pocket of the community. we should lift each other up and support each other.

even when it feels like the rest of the world is against us, we have each other

-phoenix, your local plant parent

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