a child

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johnny glanced at doyoung on his phone on the other side of the couch. he then looked around their house, examining the size and nodded to himself.

"yes....we need this." he said out loud and doyoung gave him a confused glance. "hey baby, i think we should adopt a child."

"what the fuck?"

suddenly, johnny and doyoung were in a store buying items. "so, why are we at a pet store?" doyoung asked and johnny's eyes lit up. "glad you asked, my love!"

johnny then grabbed doyoung's hands, "when we first started dating, you used to tell me all the times how much you love cats. and now that we're married..the house feels a bit empty with just the two of us, so why not get a cat now?"

doyoung felt super excited all of a sudden and started dashing through the store finding cat products.

"what kind of cat tower do you think cats need? should we get a small one for now and get big one later, or should we hop straight in for a big one?" johnny just nods at his husband's words. he's very used to doyoung's ramblings, and he absolutely loves it.

"whatever you want! it is your cat after all." johnny grins, "nono! it's our cat! it's our baby!!" doyoung immediately went on his phone to check if anyone is selling cats in their area.

johnny snatched doyoung's phone, "no need for that! i found a kitten already!"

and then there doyoung was, holding a kitten. let's say he was dying on the inside, bu he didn't want to somehow scare the cat so he stayed silent.

"you know it's okay for you to speak to the cat, right?" johnny joked and doyoung gave him a playful glare. "i know! but i just want him safe," he said with a pout.

"he's already safe! he has you as one of his dads! i knew having a cat with you would make you so happy! i'm so smart~" johnny started petting their new kitten gently.

"hey, sweetheart? i love you!" johnny was taken aback how sudden his comment was, but he still appreciated it, "i love you too!"

HII ! i never thought
i would update this again??
i'm sorry it was so short):
i like the idea of johndo
being cat dads hehe

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 27, 2020 ⏰

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