New Dimension Saga Part 1

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I thank Whirlpool24 of DeviantArt for helping me.

It was nighttime and everything was peaceful. In the sky, the stars twinkled. A soft babble from a creek echoed in the darkness. Until a siren went off in the distance.

Then a blue blast came out of nowhere.

The tower's flood lights came on and the machines activated. The E-30 Laser tanks moved to protect the base from Sonic the Hedgehog. As he ran ahead, he smiled at the challenge as the robots moved out and targeted him. As he came into range, they opened fire at him. He nimbly dodged their blast and chuckled as they fired rockets at him.

"Is that the best you can do, Eggman?" Sonic the Hedgehog taunted him since he knew he would be watching him.

The rockets exploded behind Sonic as he used the Laser Tanks as leverage to leap inside the perimeter of Eggman's his feet hit the ground, he sped towards the entrance. He yelped as he ran to evade the laser fire from the guns. Below the E-12 Behemoth series robot emerged to cut him off.

"Whoa!" Sonic exclaimed as he almost ran into one and then turned left. It chased him down a tunnel and as Sonic stepped on the ground, a spring pad bounced him up into the air. He looked to his right in time for a Behemoth to ball up it's fist and punched him into the sky. Miles "Tails" Prower and Amy Rose watched this from his plane, Tornado 2.

"Sonic!" Tails exclaimed in concern.

He led the plane down to try to catch up to him and the plane got a few hits by the turrets. Amy shrieked from the hits and gasped at the sight of the Tornado on fire.

"Tails, the plane's on fire!" Amy cried out and looked at him worried, "What are we gonna do?!"

"We're gonna rescue Sonic," Tail said in determination and then pulled a lever next to him, "Sonic! Here!"

"Hmm," Sonic opened his eyes and saw a power ring launched his way. He smiled as he caught it, "Thanks Tails!"

Then there was a bright flash of light and Sonic barreled back to the base. He rolled into a ball and went right through the Laser Tanks, destroying them in the process. Then he plowed right through the Behemoths like they were butter. He bounced off one of them and flew into one of the tower lights and entered the base.

Meanwhile Tails was trying to control the plane and then had to prepare for a crash landing.

"Hang on Amy!" Tails cried out to her. 'Come on Tornado. Keep it together.'

The two of them grunted as the Tornado bounced a few times on the ground. Amy's eyes widen in horror at the sight in front of her.

"Tails we're gonna crash into that rock!" Amy cried and covered her face into the seat 'This is it! I'm gonna die!'

"I KNOW!" Tails cried out and leaned back in the seat to brace himself!

Suddenly a spiked fist slammed right into the rock. It shattered completely in time as the plane skidded to a halt. Tails moaned as he rubbed his sore head to see who saved them.

"Knuckles," Tails gasped in amazement.

"Hmm," Knuckles grunted as he shifted his focus elsewhere.

"What's the matter with him?" Amy asked as she saw his sour look.

"Overkill, just like always," Knuckles shook his head at the mess Sonic made of the base 'I had to leave the Master Emerald for this? Why?'

On the outside, Eggman's base went on lock down. All the interior and exterior doors started to close. Then a lavender streak ran past Knuckles, Tails and Amy. It slipped in just as the last door shut down.

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