Diamond didn't say anything.

"But anyways, get back to work", she said. "I'll do the same"

Carey walked away.

Diamond got her stuff together and did her rounds.


Diamond got home that evening and Ayanna was already in bed.

"Hey sweetheart", he said.

"Hey", Diamond said as she put her things down.

"How was work?", he asked


"That's good....you said Kendrick work there?", he asked.

"Oh um yea", Diamond said.

"Y'all been talking?", Brian asked.

"Not much no... unless it's like work related", Diamond said.

Brian nods.

"I don't think you have to worry about him though I think he's seeing somebody", Diamond said.

"I don't have to worry about you and that's all that matters", he said.

Diamond sits on the couch.

"I take it you aren't upset with me anymore", he said.

"Oh I am but like somebody once said, I can't let anger control me", she said.

Brian smiles. "That somebody was me", he said.

"Yea", she said as she smiled.

Brian stares at Diamond.

"What?", she asked.

"I just love you that's all", he said. "You're just so beautiful"

Diamond smiles and looks down.

"Ayanna's sleep", Brian said.

"Yea you told me", she replied.

"Diamond.. Ayanna is sleep", he said.

Diamond looked at him.

Brian stands up. "Bring yo sexy self upstairs", he said biting his bottom lip.

Diamond chuckles and stands up as they went upstairs.


The next morning, Diamond got up from the sound of Ayanna's voice.

"Wake up!", Ayanna said.

Diamond looked at her then Brian who was trying to get up. "What time is it?", Diamond asked.

"7 on the dot", Brian said.

Diamond looks at Ayanna.

"I'm hungry", Ayanna said.

"Fix the breakfast, Brian", Diamond said.

"Baby can you do it this time, I'm so tired", he said.

Diamond sighs. "As always", Diamond mumbles as she got out the bed.

Brian didn't hear her.

"Come on Ayanna", Diamond as they went downstairs.

Diamond cooked the food and fixed a plate for her and Ayanna.

Brian comes into the kitchen.

"Thought you were tired", Diamond said.

"Smelled the food and couldn't resist", he said.

Bed of Lies : BOOK 1 Where stories live. Discover now