fifteen. one last goodbye

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"There is no hope, there never was." Jenner interjected, once again preaching for the greater good.

Athena had, had enough of hearing the constant arguing and pointless attempts to get the door open. The only way they were getting out was by the help of Jenner and he sure as hell wasn't budging on his decision. "Can you all just shut up for one second! Everything is gone and there is no way of us getting out. So just accept it." Athena had risen to her feet, all eyes now on her before she took off to a secluded part of the lab.

She heard the talk increase as she walked off to the other side of the room, she went to take another drink but soon came to realise that there was no more left. With a big sigh, Athena rubbed her head to ease the tension. The brunette was in conflict with herself. One half of her wanted to get out more than anything and live her life as long as she could, but the other half of her wanted to give up predominantly and let fait take its path.

"What the hell was that about?" A voice questioned from behind her. Athena rolled her eyes and turned to see Shane with his hands on his hips.

"The truth."

"Oh yeah? And what is that Athena?"

"That we're all not making it out of here, Shane." The woman aggressively pointed out, her eyes growing twice the size. She really was losing starting to lose herself. "We're stuck in here and in a matter of minutes we're all going to die."

"Don't want to at least try? Fight for the chance of us getting out of here."

"We're not, Shane. Get that in your head. Even if we do, there's nothing out there. You heard it yourself, every place like this is gone."

Shane scoffed "I can't believe this. The Athena I know wouldn't give up so easily. She would fight for what was right."

"Whats the point in fighting if there's no way out at all." Her tone was now soft and delicate as she spoke. "This is exactly what I meant when I said it wouldn't work out the way we wanted between us. Just let me say one last goodbye to you with the time we have left."

Shane thought it over for a couple of seconds, understanding where Athena was coming from. But Shane wanted to protect her and the rest of the group more than anything, there was no way he was going to let her die like this. He shook his head, his face suddenly contorting to a hostile expression before he grabbed the shot gun from the desk. "I'm not gonna let this happen to you."

Athena had no clue what he was doing as he stormed over to the rest of the group. She kept her eyes glued on him at all times until he eventually reached Jenner and shoved the shot gun in his face. "Open that door, or I'm going to blow your head off. Do you hear me!"

The man's words somehow switched on something inside Athena, realising that what he had said was right. She did need to fight. She'd been fighting her whole life, both mentally and physically and wasn't about to give up now. Athena was most definitely not ready to die today.

"Brother, brother, this is not the way you do this. We will never get out of here."

"Shane, listen to him. You were right, we do need to fight but we can't if he's dead." Athena reasoned with a panicked tone after she ran over to him.

With both Rick and Athena easing Shane to put the shot gun down, his rage still couldn't be contained. Shane raised his voice and screamed as he pushed the shot gun further into Jenner's face before quickly moving it away and shooting anything in front of him — like computers that sparked and fused.

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