hibari x reader

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Roses are red

Violets are blue

I really like you

"Whats with this crappy poem.."you sigh and decited to see who send it. No one.. that means...


You look at the sender one again, but you couldnt find it. Someone actually liked you?! Thats shocking.

"Meet me in the roof after school"


I guess thats after school for you. Off to the prison you go!

"Todays lesson is about.. blablablabla" and this boring lesson went on and on without you hearing anything he said.

You look outside the window.. oh.. did i mention you were in one class with the wierd-trios and you are sitting besides the window? I guess i havent

And you are still looking outside the window. Looking down spoting the mean, strong and scary hibari.. but you know what? Even if he's scary,even if he's a demon. You just became one of the wierdest people to like him. And what if he likes you back? It would be so worth to die for

He was glaring at you this whole time. Telling you, "go back on studying" you got the cold-shivers and decited to just look at the teacher. But oh how unlucky. The teacher was glarring at you this whole time


"You're going to have a ditention after school (l/n)-san!" The teacher scold you.


There goes lunch break!

You just sit there and wait for someone to come. But you just cant wait until afterschool to cheak who is your secret crush.but who are you kidding, you still have detention. You grab the letter and stare at it until..

"Whats this?" Your friend pop infront of you. And she grab your letter reading it in a swift. "Ohoho~ love letter~" she grin and gave the letter back to you.

"Mei-chan! Hidoi!" You pouted. And you might be thinking who's mei? She is one of your close friends who had been in the same class with you since kindergarden and your neighbour. (Its authors OC :3 please bear it)

"You're preety unlucky yet lucky at the same time today huh?" She ask. "You can say that" "look! I bought you food!" She gave you a bento

"Thanks as allways" you smile. What can you say? Your parent are long dead because of the trafic incidence in italy. "No prob, my parent are just too kind to you. I'm so jelly" she pouted childly and you just sweatdrop

"But.. i now that you think about it, i never saw your parents before" you ask. "U-um they're just shy" she try to cover it up and you just tilt your head

Mei's POV

Oops, i almost let the cat out of the bag. Why? Oni-chan said to keep it a secret.. geez.. oni-chan is just too shy to admit he's in love with (f/n)-chan

"I have to go!" I made an excuese.. i have a stupid assignment...

Speeking of devil.. he comes oni-chan!

Normal POV

The devil is aproching you.. step by step..

"Woi, herbivore" he said and you just ignore him like nothing. To embarase to talk to him

He was mad.. really mad. But lucky someone was there to stop him.

"Senpai! U-um, someone is bullying tsuna-kun again!" Your friend pull him so he wouldnt cause any trouble.

"Oni-chan is an oni!" She tought (oni-chan is big bro, and oni means demon. They sound almost the same)

You tilt your head knowing nothing and just continue eating.

(Lets just skip to after school. I'm so bad at doing thing. O^O)

"Detention this, detention that!"you complain to yourself while walking to the class.

"That wont be needed" a voice came. "Gek! Hibari-san!" You quickly ran and avoid looking at him.unfortunatly he was fast and appear right before you

"Woi, herbivore. Didnt you hear" you gulp. Knowing you would get a punishment for not hearing the demon of the school talking. But then you just realise. What wouldnt be needed?

"I told the teacher you wouldnt be having a detention" judging from what he said he must said something like "i'll bite you to death" but what for? What did you do to deserve this?

"E-em.. thanks hibari-senpai.." you mumble with a tint of red on your cheek You decited to just get rid of those question.

"I guess i can just go to the roof now" you said to yourself and ran to the roof. You feel like you're forgeting something.. oh well.. but wait..

At the rooftop you meet a kid. A kid that you never seen. I guess hibari-san isnt going to love you back huh? Love is just unfair.

"A-ano. (F/n)-chan! Please go out with me" he confess while closing his eyes.

"I'm sorry.. i already like someone else" you appologise. You felt kinda bad for this kid. He's just like you. A love that wont be accept

"Please! I'll make you happy! I'm going to do anything! Just for you!" He wont accept that you just rejected him.

"I'm so-" you stop because he has holding your wrist and he was using strenght. "Please!" He was leaning closer and closer. No! You dont want your first kiss to be this guy! You need it to be your first love! It needs to be hibari-san!

"What are herbivores you doing?" Hibari came and the guy went running for his life. You were also going to run. But he stop by holding your wrist. But it wasnt fainfull like that guy.

"Herbivore, this is my territory and your in it" you were scared, of course you would. You didnt want to be biten to death. "You're in my territory that means you're mine" he smirk.


You were cut by him again with a kiss on your lips preventing you from saying more. Your dreams had finally come true, you kiss back.

After a few second, both of you pull apart. And both of you blush furriously.

"I like you, hibari-san"

"I could say the same to you"

Extend ending~♥

Mei: *spying on them* oni-chan is using one of my 'ways to confess' isnt he.. no wonder he spend the night reading

Hibari:woi, herbivore. Come out

(Y/n): *tilts head* hm?

Mei: ow-oh... *runs for life*

Hibari: *brings out tonpa* we'll finish this later *started chasing mei*

O-ok... i didnt put much effort didnt i..? Let me tell you one thing. At first, this was a tsuna x reader. But then i change it into tsuna x reader x hibari. And then i felt it wasnt right so i put it into various x reader. But i was confuse since i've never did that. So it became a hibari x reader.

Anyway.... bye-bye~!

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