Gay Panic

340 17 6

"Phck, phck, phck, phck-"

Gavin muttered, rushing across his apartment and tidying up where he felt it was needed.


Gavin rolled his eyes.

"Shut the hell up, Bonnie. Let me fucking panic for two seconds."

The cat tilted it's head as if confused and meowed again as if to ask why in the world he was panicking.

"Because he's fucking just- you know what? Nevermind. You wouldn't get it."

Bonnie watched Gavin tidy up the living room, swiping all the old wrappers and bottles into the trash before picking up the numerous coffee mugs and setting them in the dishwasher.

"Phew...that should be good enough, huh?"

Gavin questioned looking at his cat.

She simply jumped off the coffee table, trotting off into Gavin's bedroom.

"Why you stuck up little-"

*knock knock*

"Detective? Are you there? I'm here."

Gavin hurriedly ran over to the door, taking a deep breath and looking himself over before opening the door.

"Hello, Detective."

Connor greeted cheerfully, his hands hanging calmly by his side, the corner of his mouth twisted into a calm if but quirky smile.

"You can just call me Gavin, Connor. It's no big deal."

"Are you sure that would be appropriate, Detec- I mean Gavin?"

Gavin waved him off.

"It's fine. We're not at work right now."

"I see...all right then. What will be doing then if it's not case related, Gavin?"

"Like I said earlier uh maybe watch a movie or-"


"Gavin, for phck's sake."

Connor smiled sheepishly.

"Gavin, um...Didn't you say you had a cat or two....?"

Connor questioned, twiddling his fingers since he seemed to have forgotten his coin.

"Ah...yeah? I have two. Bonnie and Whiskey-"

"You named one of your cat's after an alcoholic substance?"

"Well duh...have we met?"

Connor had a face twitch, seeming to contemplate.

"Well...before this technically no. Most times I tried to interact with you to figure out things we might have in common it was an 80% chance I would be met with hostility."

Connor responded, making Gavin mentally punch himself in the fucking face.

"Ah...well uh, I'm kinda like Hank but just don't tell him that-"

"Really? How so?"

"We both like out liquor a bit to much we just tend to disagree on ways of self-destruction-"

Gavin muttered.

"-but hold on, let me see if I can find one of the cats-"

Gavin began, leaving Connor to wait on the couch.

He found the cat hiding under his bed, unsure about the new company.

"Hi little girl, C'mon."

She gave Gavin a confused meow and look of 'why are you moving me you peasant?'

He carried her into the living room, dumping her onto Connor's lap.

Connor gave an excited grin, ruffling the cat behind it's ears much to her delight.


Gavin thought.


Gavin shifted around looking for the remote to his Tv.

"Ugh...where did it go?"

He muttered shifting around the couch.

"Connor are you sitting on it by chance?"

"No? I don't believe so."

"Stand up."

Connor rolled his eyes.

"Funny how humans lose all their trust in someone, the moment they lose their remote."

Connor stated innocently.

Now it was Gavin's turn to roll his eyes.


Connor slid aside.

"'s not on the bottom-"

"Yes but you are-"

Connor whispered quietly unable to keep the joke in.

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