Good morning.

546 29 10

Gavin slammed his now empty coffee cup on his desk with an annoyed grunt.

Fucking coffee machine.

Fucking Tina not adding enough coffee grounds.

Wasn't nearly strong enough.

Stupid fucking mornings.

In the corner of his eye he could see Connor perched up on Andersons desk.

"Fucking toaster...."

Gavin muttered under his breath. Suddenly a figure with a perfectly straight tie stood in front of him.

Gavins line of sight slowly followed the torso upwards to see Connor.

"Hello, Robo-cop."

Gavin greeted nonchalantly.

"Hello Detective Reed, I'm sorry to bother you but-"

"What do you need, Connor?"

Gavin muttered with a sigh, knowing Hank and Fowler would have his ass for being openly rude.

"I couldn't help but notice your outward disposition, Reed."

Gavin sat with his face in his palm.

"And thought perhaps you'd be interested in another cup of coffee."

Gavin nodded and sighed again.

"I would appreciate it, Connor."

Connor gave a small smile, while Gavin tried not to show his annoyance.

"Oh and Connor?"

Connor turned his upper body towards Gavin.

"Can you make it a bit stronger?"

Connor nodded and left to make it.

Anderson stood, walking over to Gavin's desk.

"What no thanks?"

Anderson asked with a raised brow.

"Fuck off, Hank."

Gavin muttered, throwing the older man a glance before turning back to his computer.

"No need to be an ass, Reed."

"No need for you to be up my ass, Hank."

Hank rolled his eyes before leaning on Gavins desk.

"Y'know you two have to work cases together for the next couple weeks, Reed. I'd suggest atleast trying to be fuckin civil."

Now it was Gavins turn to roll his eyes.

"First off Hank, it's not my fault you got your stupid ass shot. Its your own fault your stuck doin desk work.
Secondly, mind your own fucking business? I don't know why you think like you do."

"What the hells that supposed to mean?"

"You care about Connor, right?"

Hank nodded.

"Fucking course I do. You're point?"

"So he can handle himself. You sit there and tell me to respect him as a person himself and yet you act like he can't handle himself like any normal adult??? That makes no fuckin sense."

"When did I say he couldn't???"

"You don't have too. You do it enough fighting every argument or disagreement for him. He can do that himself. I'll try to get along with the Robo-cop but, you don't need to be up my ass or his. We're all fucking adults here Hank, he's a big boy now, he'll be fine."

"Who'll be fine?"

Connor questioned, setting Gavins mug on his desk.

"Oh hello Hank, what were you two discussing? I didn't think you were supposed to be up from your desk or moving around to much."

Gavin turned back to his computer.

"He's not."

Connor gave Hank an expectant look.

"I'm fine, Connor."

Hank hobbled back to his desk, holding his side to keep from straining it.

Connor followed behind, giving Gavin a quick nod.

This was gonna be a long couple of weeks.

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