Chapter 4

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We walk back to the green room. My boss adds:
Since ATEEZ is known for their 8 members, you are only a hidden member. You only perform one song with them. You still work at KQ, but you are part of ATEEZ. They will always be 8 members. You are a special, hidden member. Understand?
Me: Well, yes. I work with ATEEZ on the sidelines, and only perform one song for this tour. I get the same pay as them. Thank you for promoting me.
Boss: You are special to them. You are their best friend now. Honorable and great, Raeshel.
Me: Thanks :)
Boss: Now, kill it on stage for this tour. After the tour, you go back to your regular job. You have two jobs now: PR manager and honorary female member for the performance of Dancing Like Butterfly Wings.
Me: Oh, that's so nice. Thanks!
Boss: No problem.
I talk with ATEEZ about my position in their group. I talk with them that I still have the job of managing PR for them, but for this tour, I am also a member. I am a special, hidden member that can only be seen during this tour. That's it. For the rest of the upcoming tours, I am back to being just a regular PR manager. After explaining my complicated job to ATEEZ, they finally understand. Thankfully, Hongjoong is able to explain it in a way that's easy to understand for them. They finally realize it.

I get back on the bus with ATEEZ and we’re now heading down to our next city, Daegu. I have never been here before, and I heard that it's a pretty nice city. While on the bus, ATEEZ and we are just messing around, singing a few songs, and just becoming the best of friends. San and are cuddling with each other as it gets later in the night. The other members can tease us all we want, but that won’t stop us from being in love with each other. We fell asleep there as we were driving into Daegu. Watching the Korean countryside go by as we were driving was really nice. Even though it was night time, there were plenty of lights to see what it looks like.

*6 Months Later*
Six months have gone by. The tour is over, and San and I are slowly building our strong relationship. We have been dating for a year now. Now, all of the ATINY fandom knows of our relationship thanks to me performing with them throughout the tour. I go on Twitter every day, doing my daily checks of how their tweets are doing. I look at the new hashtag created for San and I: #RaeSan. It sounds like raisin, but cuter. I see so many cute edits made for our relationship. I can’t believe how supportive this fandom is of us. I thought, there was definitely going to be haters, but with ATINY, there is little to no haters. For that, I really appreciate them. Now that we finally have time to, San and I are going on our first date together.

San has decided to take me to Kim Seok-Joong’s restaurant. He is also known as BTS Jin’s older brother. I have expressed my love for BTS and of Korean food ever since moving here. San saw the perfect opportunity to take me there. The restaurant is called Ossu Seiromushi, which is actually Japanese food, but to me, it looks like Asian fusion. No matter what it is, coming from the Kim family, I know it’ll be good. We take the taxi there, then we reserve a table there. We walk into the restaurant and it’s very classy in here. I see where Jin’s money has been going, because wow. San takes my hand and he leads me to our table. He pulls the chair out for me and I take a seat. The menu is completely in Korean, but good thing I’ve been studying very hard. It looks like all of this food is steamed, sounds delicious. I informed San a long time ago that I don’t eat pork. Understanding that, he doesn’t order any.

We get our food shortly, and then it’s placed on top of the hot plate, the water coming to a boil, then the box placed on top of that. We have to wait 10 minutes for the food to cook thoroughly. Once that ten minutes is up, we begin eating. I pray quickly over my food, then begin eating. San looked over to me for a moment while I prayed.
“Why did you close your eyes?” San asked.
“I blessed my food. I am Christian.” I said.
“Oh, I see.” San said.
“Yeah, so.” I said. I pick up my chopsticks and begin eating some beef. This beef is really good, I love it. I don’t usually have steamed beef, so this is a good change. San feeds me a piece of beef and I eat it from his chopsticks. Ah, that was cute. We chat and eat our amazing, incredible food made by Kim Seok-Joong and his gourmet chefs.

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