The Tournament Without Martial Arts

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This is the most stressful chapter I have ever seen for writing.

I'll try to update soon to make up for it, sorry for the shortness.

There were like, 4 scenes all going on all at once, I kinda panicked.

Anyways, enjoy!


"(L/n), go help out those two get away from the centipede." Metal Bat orders, wiping blood off of his cheek.

"But you'll die!" I yelled as he quickly glared at me.

"Go!" Clicking my tongue, I flew up and searched the debris for the heroes, seeing them in front of a rhinoceros wrestler, a slime monster, and a colorful bird.

"What the hell is this?" I dropped down in front of them immediately glaring at the bird as he opened his mouth.

"Class S hero (L/n). I was hoping we didn't have to encounter you today." The bird said as I scratched my head.

"Aww man, I really wanted to fight Garo with Metal Bat, but I got stuck here with some weak monsters. My luck is terrible today." I sighed, noticing the rhinoceros get irritated.

"You bi—"

"Hold up, rhino wrestler." The bird stepped forward towards me as I stared at it. A human hand appeared from its belly as I gawked at it. "We'd like to invite you to the Monster's Association."

"Eh? Why me?" I asked, stepping back a bit as it handed me a card.

"Your mother was a monster, correct? And that's why City A is destroyed, because of you?" I grabbed the card, flicking it towards the rhino as he got a cut on his cheek.

"Go to hell." I glared at the bird as he stared at me, turning around and leaving with the slime monster.

"Rhino Wrestler, do not fight her, you will not win. Just go for one of the hostages and leave." The bird ordered as I stood my ground.

"Like hell I'd let you leave here unscathed. I'm having a really bad day and you're standing in the middle of it. It'll be a miracle if you escape." The bird and slime monster left as the rhino charged towards me.

I scoffed, squatting down and punching him square in the stomach, making him fly back onto the debris.

"Hey! Who said you can throw punches?" The rhino complained as I felt an irk mark forming on my forehead.

"Eh? This is a fight, not a wrestling match." I tilted my head, holding my hands behind my back. "Now, come at me."

"W-Will need assistance! Class S hero (L/n) is too strong!" The rhino yelled out as I felt a chill run down my spine.

"I'll fight you next time we meet, (Y/n)." Before I could turn and block the hit, something hit the back of my neck, making me black out.

"(L/n)-san!" I opened my eyes, seeing the two pro heroes with beaten up faces. "Thank god you're up!"

"What happened?" I looked around noticing the kid missing next to the father. "You've got to be shitting me!"

My phone started ringing as I sighed and picked it up. "Hello?"

"(L/n)-san. Where are you right now?" The voice asked as I knew it was from the association.

"Uhh, in the middle of City S at the moment, why?"

"There are two monsters wreaking havoc on City M and O. Do you think you can help?"

"Listen here, and make sure everyone in that association can hear me as well." I sat down on a rock, brushing my hair back with my hand. "After fighting monsters straight for two days and being kidnapped by the hero hunter for one of those days, you want me to continue fighting, without knowing the full threat or motive of these monsters? I'm tired. Metal Bat is probably passed out, or even worse, dead, somewhere in City S after fighting both the hero hunter and the centichoro. If you're having problems with monsters, either get heroes who can fight willingly, or call Saitama."

"The Class B hero? Why him?" I heard another voice ask as I smirked to myself.

"He can take all of these heroes without breaking a sweat. So I'm out for today, if there's something happening I'll fight later or tomorrow, bye!" I quickly hung up, feeling tears prick at the corners of my eyes. "I hate this."

"Umm, (L/n)-san?" I looked at the heroes as they flinched from my gaze. "Do you have any orders for us?"

I stood up, healing their faces and handing them the man. "Take him to the HQ and explain what you saw here. I'm counting on you guys."

Their faces brightened up immediately, scurrying off to my order as I sighed, calling Genos.

"Hey, Genos? I couldn't get the Mackerel, nor the gifts, they got lost somewhere under the debris." I mumbled, looking around for the shop.

"That's fine, (Y/n)-sensei, will you come by and watch Sensei's match?" I felt a little at ease hearing Genos' voice.

"Maybe later, I'm heading home first." I took a step before collapsing under my weight.

"(Y/n)-sensei?! Are you alright?!" I looked around, seeing the world darken bit by bit.

"Genos, can you scan my readings?" I said into the phone as I heard shuffling.

"I'm coming to get you, I just notified Saitama-sensei. Do not move from where you are." Genos sounded a bit panicked as my breathing slowed. "(Y/n)-sensei?!"


Yeah, super short, I know...

But I'll update soon!

Also, I'd like to thank everyone who's stuck out this far, you're all amazing people!

See ya!

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