The Sub-Par Mentor

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I lifted myself out of bed slowly as I saw Saitama stretching. "W-What's today again?" I asked yawning as he walked over and kissed my forehead.

"The test for the heroes registry." Saitama replied as I fell back onto the bed and groaned. "Aww, come on, it won't be that bad."

"Easy for you to say, you're a man. I bet people would line up to ogle at my breasts. It just makes me uncomfortable." I covered my boobs as Saitama threw his oppai sweatshirt at me.

"Wear that then. It may have the word 'boobs' on it, but at least you'll be covered up." I teared up and jumped up to hug him as he laughed. "Now come on, we need to get there early!"

"Okay!" I pecked him on the lips and ran into the bathroom, changing quickly. Once I was ready, I walked out and caught up with Saitama on the way there as we ran to the heroes association.


"Mr. Genos, Mr. Saitama, and Ms. (L/n), there will be a seminar for successful candidates at 4:00pm. Please come to lecture hall number 3." I stood up skipping towards the hall, excited about my score. I got a 150/100! Even though they interviewed me about the house of evolution and the earthquakes.

"Hey (Y/n)-sensei!" I turned to see Saitama and Genos walking towards me as I was about to enter the room. "How did you do?"

"S Class!" I squealed holding up my paper as Genos nodded in satisfaction.

"As expected from my Master's girlfriend." I blushed at the nickname and glanced over at Saitama as he fidgeted nervously.

"Saitama, you got C Class didn't you..." I read him like a book when he looked down in embarrassment. "Welp, rank doesn't matter as long as we got in, right? Let's go inside."

We walked in and took seats in the front as a man with an ugly suit walked in and stood at the front. "First, congratulations on passing."

I kept my anger in as Saitama chewed his gum loudly when silence enveloped the room.

"Now, one of you only made it on a fluke, so unless you want your luck to go to waste, I better see you giving it your all." I slowly started to nod off to sleep as he was boasting about being a hero. "And don't get all puffed up! From here on, keep your hero status in mind and act modestly! After all, your faces will be placed on the Hero Association website."

I felt myself drifting off to sleep tuning out everything.

"Did you hear me? That goofball head of yours is gonna be shown to the whole world. If you don't want to humiliate yourselves..." I was startled awake by the man jumping onto the desk and doing weird moves. "Aspire to be a fine hero like me!"

I watched as Saitama blew a bubble bigger than his head and popped all over him as I fell out of my chair laughing. "Master!" Genos yelled trying to help him as I tried to sit back down.

"As an Class A hero, I have some influence over the association. I'll make sure those who behave irresponsibly... lose points and get demoted. Don't you forget it!" He tried to sound intimidating as I tried not to laugh.


"Apparently, the Hero Association was formed about three years ago." Genos said as I walked behind them listening to their conversation. 'Isn't that when Saitama started training?' I asked myself.

"So it's only been three years?" Saitama asked looking at the pamphlet.

"It was after a teacher and the grandchild of a millionaire was attacked by a monster. They were saved by a passer by." I mentally slapped myself as I realized it started only because Saitama saved me and Allen from that weird crab monster. "When Agoni heard what had happened, he came up with this system and used his fortune to establish the Hero Association."

One punch man! (Saitama x reader insert)Where stories live. Discover now