chapter twelve

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"What?! He really said that?" The shocked fairy asked.

"Yeah..." Meliodas mumbled under his breath.

"Wow what a bastard." Diane slammed her fist on the ground making everything shake.

"Elizabeth, how do you feel about this?"

Everyone turned to face Elizabeth only to see her staring at your emotionless body. A tear ran down her face.

"... so you're saying if I die... lady (Y/n) will come back to life?" Everyone was taken aback by her comment.

"W-what no don't even think about it!" Diane and king yelled in unison.

"Y-yeah! Were gonna find another way." Ban said scratching the back of his neck. Everyone nodded and king even started crying at how noble the princess was being.

She nodded and said nothing else, continuing to stare at you. Everyone felt uneasy, but continued to talk amongst themselves about what they were gonna do.

Behind all the chitchat Elizabeth was crying silently while hugging your body. "Oh Lady (Y/n)! I hope you return to us soon!"


"C'mon we've tried everything!" Zeldris yelled in defeat. He was currently on his knees in front of you holding onto your leg. "Just snap out of it!!"


Elizabeth signed the letter letting a few tear drops leave her eyes.


"What else is there to do? We should just give up."


The water in the bathtub filled up to the top. Not to hot, not to cold.


"Shut up ban were not giving up!"


Elizabeth sighed as she carressed the black dress she let you borrow on you and her's first meet.


"Okay fine! Just try hitting her again or something."

"We've already done that multiple times!"

"Well then do you have any better ideas captain?!"


Elizabeth grabbed the knife on the counter and sat in the bathtub enjoying the feeling of warm water.


"Guys stop fighting it's getting us nowhere" Diane cried.

"Ugh whatever I'll do it myself!"


"Lady (Y/n)..." Your name was spoken with nothing but love as it came out of the princesses mouth.


"Ban stop!"

He didn't listen and reared his fist back to punch you.


"I love you." Were the last words that left her lips.


Bans fist made contact with your face sending you flying across the room and into a wall. Meliodas grabbed Ban and tried to pull him away from you, but by the time he did his fist had already made contact.

The force of his pull made him crash through the wall to the other side. Once everything was done everyone sat in silence looking at you unmoving body.

Melancholy (Meliodas x reader x zeldris)Where stories live. Discover now