Chapter 21

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Gregory smiled down at his young husband who was practically asleep in his arms. They had had a busy last day exploring and making the most of it, up early and exploring around Paris for the day. Harry had been so excited, dragging him here there and everywhere. They had finished up exploring Versailles, wandering around the beautiful palace hand in hand. Gregory had surprised him by organising for them to have supper in the palace, calling in a rather big favour, and paying a slightly extortionate amount. But after the palace had closed to the visitors, he had escorted Harry to the dining room, which had been set up for them with candles.

Harry had loved it, and they had had their last meal of the honeymoon in a way he knew Harry would never, ever forget. Following that they had taken a stroll around the ornate gardens which were lit up for them and them alone. Walking and chatting softly, it had been like they were in their very own world, enjoying each other's company and the peace of the gardens surrounding them.

Eventually though they had had to return, their bags had already been sent on ahead of them by the workers in the Parisian dock that Gregory had left their boat in this morning. All there was, was for them to apparate home. Harry had been so tired that Gregory had been worried about him splinching himself, so he had insisted on side along.

He was glad he did, because by the second jump which landed them in London, Harry had been drooping. Their third jump landed them in Malfoy Manor, and Harry had practically nodded off against his shoulder. It was 0130 in the morning, and the manor was in silence, the other occupants no doubt fast asleep.

"Gregory?" Well nearly all of them.

"Grandfather," Gregory smiled turning to see Marcus holding a cup of tea.

"I wanted to make sure you got back ok," Marcus admitted sheepishly walking over quickly and wrapping him in a tight hug. "You look wonderful, married life is clearly agreeing with you," He smiled looking his grandson over fondly before looking to Harry. He chuckled when he realised that Harry had nodded off in Gregory's arms.

"We had a busy day," Gregory chuckled, bending and lifting Harry into his arms. Harry mumbled something to himself, something with Gregory's name in, and then snuggled into his shoulder, settling deeper into sleep it seemed.

"Get to bed, I will see you in the morning," Marcus patted Gregory's free shoulder.

"Come around for brunch?" Gregory asked.

"I don't want to intrude on your first morning back," Marcus shook his head.

"Harry will want to see you," Gregory said firmly brushing a kiss to Marcus' cheek before turning and making his way to their rooms, his precious burden held close to his chest. He had loved their honeymoon, but it was good to be home as well.
Harry yawned widely as he yanked his dressing robe on. He hummed as he looked around their bedroom, happy to be home. He loved the boat, but he had to admit the cabin had started to feel a little cramped. He was used to big bedrooms now, be it the Hogwarts dorm, his bedroom at Andromeda's, but especially here.

Bending down he pressed a soft kiss to Gregory's lips smiling against them when his husband stirred and pressed back.


"It's gone 1000 love, I will go put some tea and breakfast on," Harry explained.

"I asked Grandfather round for brunch," Gregory yawned snuggling a little deeper into the blankets, but opening his ocean blue eyes to look at Harry.

"Oo good, I will see what we have in," Harry smiled kissing Gregory again before shuffling to the kitchen. He dug out the shopping list he had made with all the items that he would need to make his family meal tomorrow night and left it on the side, along with the letters to everyone informing them of it. The House elves would take them and make sure that they were passed out.

Gregory MalfoyWhere stories live. Discover now