Chapter 4

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Harry lost all the air in his lungs in one great puff of air as a body collided with his, the force of the impact causing him to have to spin them both around before sucking in enough air to blow the curly hair out of his face. He grunted when a second pair of arms wrapped around them both and squeezed tightly.

"Guys, believe it or not, but in the two months you've been gone...I haven't suddenly developed the not need to breathe!" Harry choked out slapping his hand against Ron's back. Remus's chuckles had him glaring even as he was released and sucked in a full lung full of air gratefully.

"Wow...geez I didn't think you could manage to get more freckly!" Harry snickered looking at Ron, dodging out the way of the swing his friend made at his head.

"Here we are, tea you guys?" Tonks smiled as she walked into the room with the tea tray.

"Erm, did you make it?" Harry asked cautiously.

"No mum did," Tonks glared at Harry.

"What, you make it like tar!" Harry defended reaching out and deftly snatching Teddy from where he was on the carrier on Tonks's front. Tonks rolled her eyes good naturedly while Remus snickered.

"Come on you two, tell us all about Australia," Remus urged as Harry and Tonks settled into their seats, Harry settling Teddy into his arms and rocking him gently.

For the next two hours they sat listening to Hermione and Ron telling them about Australia and the funny stories as they tracked her way ward parents literally across Australia, then when they found them taking the memory charm off and having to explain everything to them. Most parts had the other three in fits of laughter as they told the story. Once they were done Tonks took Teddy and her and Remus left the three alone under the excuse of going to make supper for them all.

"So you ok living here?" Ron asked after a few beats.

"Yeah...its kind of nice living with Remus, and having Teddy close by. Tonks and Andromeda are great as well," Harry nodded.

"You moved in a week ago?" Hermione asked refilling her tea cup.

"Yup, Remus kind of got angry at me when he came to Grimmauld and realised how dank it still was. He pretty much had me packed and was frog marching me to the Floo within an hour," Harry chuckled embarrassed.

"Mum's a little upset you chose to move in here and not at the Burrow," Ron said factually, no accusation, just a hint of question to his tone.

"Your mum, and most of the others are a little...a lot for trying to force me and Ginny together," Harry admitted quietly.

"That's a no go?" Ron asked. Glancing up nervously Harry just shook his head. He knew as close as they were that Ginny was Ron's little sister. "Finally, I was terrified that you were going to realise this like twenty five years down the line when you were married and had three kids together!" Ron breathed out in relief.

"Realise?" Harry asked confused blinking at the two of them confused.

"That you and Ginny weren't meant to be together, and that, unless we're really mistaken and you haven't been checking out Dean's arse for two years that you're gay," Hermione said simply.

"I...well...I see...I just...well..."

"That's a yes then," Ron snickered interrupting Harry's stammering. "Don't worry I will try and speak to the others, get them to back off. You have spoken to Ginny right?"

"I've tried. I explained that we weren't right together, that I maybe needed someone a little older and mature, that she was brilliant but just not, as it turns out my type," Harry said exasperatedly.

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