"This is definitely perfect," Harry sighed wrapping his arms around Gregory's waist and pressed his cheek to his chest.

"Well for the next month we will be sailing around Greece and then along Italy, and finishing up in the south of France,"

"Oh Merlin, that's amazing! Thank you, thank you, thank you," Harry gasped throwing his arms around Gregory's neck and pressing kisses all over his face and lips.

"I promised you that I would show you the world, this is the start of it. And it will be just the two of us," Gregory pressed his lips to Harry's.

"You're sailing us?" Harry grinned.

"Yes, and we have an international permit, so we can stop wherever we like, see what we like, go where we like," Gregory grinned. "I stocked up on tourist books for all the places we
will be going passed, so tomorrow we can sit together and plan out the things we want to see, places we want to visit,"

"Gregory, this is...this is amazing, thank you," Harry said softly. His already over full heart felt as though it were swelling even more with love.

"I wanted this to be special, you deserve special," Gregory shook his head combing his fingers through Harry's hair. "And now, I really want to take you out of those robes,"

"I'm nervous," Harry laughed.

"Good nervous?" Gregory asked concerned.

"Yes, definitely good nervous. It's just so silly, all we have done together, we're married! And I'm nervous,"

"It's not silly. I'm a little nervous myself to be honest, I want this to be perfect," Gregory admitted.

"You're here, I'm here. It's already perfect," Harry assured him sweetly.

"You're right," Gregory said softly, with a loving smile. He pulled Harry closer and pulled him into a deep kiss, easily distracting him from his nerves as they lost themselves in the
kiss once again. This, this was natural, perfect, and for Harry like coming home.

The two of them were so lost in their kiss that Harry didn't realise that they had moved onto the bed, and Gregory had stripped them both down to their underwear, he only realised when his husband's hand moved down to cup him bum. He gasped into the blonde's mouth and arched closer, needing...wanting more.

"Gregory, please," Harry gasped.

"Don't worry, I will take care of you," Gregory promised.

Tenderly he laid Harry down flat on the soft coverings, sealing their lips a few more times before he moved to sweep his way down along Harry's jaw. The younger man gasped and twitched in his husband's grip, humming as those lips moved down his neck, sucking gently on the skin. He traced the path down to Harry's chest, giving careful attention to as much of it as he could before his lips found perky nipples.

Harry felt as though he were going mad, his skin was on fire and he was so hard it felt like it should hurt. He was burning with desire, and he ached for Gregory between his legs.

The groan Gregory let out when he tugged his hair to pull him away from his nipples did nothing to help matters either.

"Gregory, I need you, please, I need you!" Harry begged, writhing on their bed.

"I'm here," Gregory's voice was several octaves lower than normal, and when he looked up at Harry his eyes were practically black with desire. He looked gorgeous as well, simply gorgeous. Like a Greek god, the moonlight and glow from the lights around the boat made his golden skin glow heavenly, his golden hair looked like a silk shower. He was looking at Harry with so much love, so much passion that Harry's breath caught in his throat.

Gregory MalfoyWhere stories live. Discover now