"Unfortunately her and the Weasley's don't see it that way, they think I just need some time before we get married and have messy haired redheaded kids together," Harry winced at the idea.

"You do not wish for a family?" Gregory asked curiously.

"Oh no, I'd like a family...I'd love one," Harry said quickly.

"Just not one with Miss Weasley?" Gregory said.

"Yes, to be honest I think part of the reason I asked her out was kind of because it was expected of me. Marry Ginny, become an official part of the Weasley family, one of the lightest families," Harry sighed.

"From what I have heard from my brother and nephew and the papers I have read you have been pushed to be what people expect for too long," Gregory said honestly watching Harry's eyes widen before he lowered them and took a hasty sip of wine.

"Can I ask you something?" Harry asked quietly after a while, so quietly Gregory only just heard him over the music.

"Of course, I believe I have pried into your life enough for it to only be fair to return the favour," Gregory smirked.

"Can I ask where you have been the last few years? I'm presuming you weren't in Britain as you didn't get caught in it all," Harry asked slightly quickly.

"No I wasn't, Lucius made me promise to stay away after the return, as the next Malfoy in line it was too dangerous for me to come back. The rest of us stayed in a manor we have in Greece. Marcus and Leander have three children, and of course June is pregnant so it was essential to keep them safe," Gregory explained tightly.

"I wasn't accusing you of being a coward, I was just curious," Harry said quickly, reaching out to touch Gregory's arm unconsciously before blushing and pulling his hand back.

"I know you were not, but I feel like one," Gregory shrugged.

"Your family needed you were you where," Harry said firmly. "What are Marcus and Leander's children's names? I'm afraid I was in so much shock at seeing so many Malfoy's and having names thrown at me I can't remember, sorry," Harry admitted embarrassed.

"Orlandus is the oldest at 26, Tiberius is 15, and Phoenix is ten," Gregory smiled warmly at the talk of his cousins making Harry smile with him. "They were disappointed at not talking to you when you visited but I'm afraid we were a little wary of making you uncomfortable and trying to get our footing back after you showed up," Gregory chuckled. "I would have been incredibly impressed if you had remembered all of us,"

"I admit there are more of you than I expected," Harry smiled shyly.

"Uncle Samuel and his side of the family preferred to stay away from the events in Britain, Leander was pregnant with Orlandus during the first war, so they moved to one of Uncle Samuel's properties in Rome and stayed there most of the year. Grandfather did not agree with my father's choices but because of his health he had already passed over the Malfoy estate, my father while intelligent was a weak man and was easily taken in by the charm and promise of power offered to him. Grandfather got myself and Mikhail out and we moved in with him, but Narcissa was already pregnant and Lucius was threatened with her's and Draco's lives," Gregory explained softly.

"I'm sorry that your family had to go through so much," Harry pulled Gregory away from the memories that were filling his eyes with a light touch to his shoulder. Once again those sea blue eyes were locked onto Harry's with the intensity that hit him to his core.

"Thank you, a lot of people say we brought it upon ourselves. You truly are a unique being Harry," Gregory smiled in a way that made his eyes glitter and Harry curse rather imaginatively in his head.

Gregory MalfoyWhere stories live. Discover now