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Unlike most people Cody enjoyed Mondays, he thought they were underrated in the grand scheme it was a chance to start over and start a new week. After growing up in a home like his for 15 years he found the small things enticing like waking up on Monday's to Jamie's good morning texts. He rolled over and looked at the clock something about the time didn't sit right, he hated staring at the clock watching the seconds of his life inevitably be taken away.

Cody sat up slowly looking around his dark room before actually getting up and getting ready. He woke up a lot earlier than most, it's what happens when you have to make breakfast and lunch for your family. At this point he didn't mind, he liked taking care of his sister, it was a nice routine but it was also so draining, his grades had struggled for a little bit but Jamie had been there. As Cody threw two waffles in the toaster for Thalia he smiled thinking about the time he had the flu. Jamie had come by after school and during lunch everyday to help Cody out with Thalia and his father. For once it was nice to be taken care of.


"Thalia, it's time to get up. Come on, these waffles aren't going to eat themselves." Cody said lightly as he turned on one of Thalia's lamps.

She rolled around and rubbed her eyes mumbling something along the lines of, "Waffles?"

"Yep, remember I made a bunch of them a little while ago so we could freeze them and heat them up for breakfast?" He responded sitting on her bed.

"Is there syrup?" she asked apprehensively.


And like that Thalia was out of bed and getting dressed ready to scarf down the waffles.

Cody texted Jamie asking if he would mind taking him and Thalia out after practice today and packed his sister a lunch. He drew a small rabbit on the sandwich bag today knowing it would make her smile when she saw it. Then he packed his father a lunch making sure to throw in some healthier food choices, the man was destroying his liver he didn't need to destroy his heart as well.

Cody then walked over to his parents' bedroom quietly and cracked the door, his dad was asleep snoring loudly, it sounded like a fork caught in the garbage disposal. 

"Pops, come on you have to get up so you can go to work." he hissed.

His dad didn't so much as stir, Cody sighed heavily and walked up to his dad giving him a good shake.

"Come, on, you have a job you have to get to." Cody felt like a small child trying so hard to wake their parent up.

His dad groaned, a common noise from the man's lips, and rolled to face Cody. 

"Pops, you have to get up." Cody said sadly.

His dad nodded and sat up, eventually he got out of bed and got dressed. His dad worked at the bank so he always dressed professionally.

"Have you seen the eye drops?" His dad asked somewhat sober.

Cody walked over to the medicine drawer by the fridge and dropped the eye drops into his dad's lunch box he had made. As usual, he handed his father the lunch with a slice of avocado toast for breakfast and didn't get so much as a thanks as the man left.

Not long after Jamie honked his car's horn and Cody rounded up Thalia to go to school.


Cody didn't hate school in fact he liked it, it was a free excuse to get to see Jamie. He was a smart person and just didn't have to pay attention in class, he could go home having no idea what the lesson was and still figure it out. He had a 4.0 GPA and colleges lining up practically at his front door step when he was only in his sophomore year, it was something he took great pride in. He was glad he had this ability when he started sketching in AP Bio. He kind of just zoned out at school, he became like a social robot, responding to social cues in a way that made him seem charming. He was well liked throughout the school and well known, in all honesty he could get whatever girl he wanted because he wasn't a douche bag but he only wanted one person.

Jamie and Cody always ate lunch with their friend group, it was always a great time. Jamie was the funny one in the duo so he would crack a joke and Cody's sarcasm would only add to it. They truly were the ultimate duo. Cody didn't eat lunch, he typically only ate dinner because his family really struggled with money and he wanted to make sure the people in his life lived comfortably compared to him so what did Jamie do? He made lunch for Cody too knowing that the boy would always give his food to those who needed it more before he even considered eating. As Jamie joked there was this light in his eyes, that only seemed to shine brighter as those around him laughed. Cody adored the look on Jamie's face when he could tell a joke hit hard it was pure, raw joy. 


After practice that day the two boys were tired to say the least they had worked hitting and sprints with some weight training at the end. Jamie drove to Cody's house and they picked up Thalia.

"Ew, what is that awful smell?" she said when she entered the car.

"Heyyyy, no need to be mean about it." Jamie said sarcastically.

Jamie was practically her other brother, she and him were close enough to be siblings because she grew up seeing him so often. Jamie smiled at her in the rear view mirror and she stuck her tongue out.

Soon enough the reached the hair salon, and made their way in.

Thalia waited patiently looking for hairstyles to get her hair cut into, Jamie helped her telling her what he thought would look really good, they ended up deciding on a pixie cut that was just ever so slightly longer than a normal one. Cody just sat back and smiled at the two of them, it was such a cute site to see.

"Thalia Fernsby?"

Thalia popped up at the sound of her name being called and walked over the the lady flashing the boys a thumbs up before walking to the chair with the woman. She talked animatedly to her and showed the woman the picture she wanted to use a reference the woman smiled and started cutting her hair. Cody watched hoping the cut would look good, the poor girl didn't need another reason to be bullied.

When they were done the woman walked over to Cody with a sad look on her face, "What that girl did to Thalia is horrible, don't worry about paying this one is on me." she said quietly to him.

Cody thanked her with a grateful smile and Thalia showed off her new hairstyle to Jamie, Jamie laughed loudly when she said he should get the same cut.

Things were as they should be, as close to perfect as they could get.

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