Melting a frozen heart

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"I have a brother. He is annoying, a prat and could be a bully at times but he is a great man. We didn't use to get along well for sometime but then we kind of got into a situation where we had to stay together for quite some years. It brought us closer and I found out that though he is a prat, he is a prat with a good heart. Then my mother is the kindest woman I've ever known and I'm not only saying this because she's my mother, because she is, but I've seen her take care of children and elders like her own. She has supported me and encouraged me all my life. You know, if it wasn't for her I wouldn't be what I am now. "

"And what are you?" Morgana inquired.

"A good man? A person who knows how to use the powers he has been granted for good. "

At this Morgana frowned, "Powers?"

"Yes. I believe every individual has certain kinds of powers. It doesn't necessarily mean magical; it can be intellectual, spiritual, physical, or even linguistic. I believe the use of it depends on us and I'm proud that my mother has taught me to use these powers for welfare than destruction."

"But maybe destruction is the first step at welfare in some cases?" Morgana said in a small voice.

Merlin had been looking at his hands the whole time but at this he looked up straight into the jade eyes and spoke, “Destruction isn't the answer when you have other better answers. "

"Really, Henry? And if there is no choice? No other way? Then what, sit idly and watch the injustice prevail?" Morgana said heatedly and stood up still glaring at Merlin.

Merlin knew better than to lose his temper. He needed to know Morgana's version of the story before taking any action or forming a plan.

"There is ALWAYS a choice. ALWAYS another way. It might be harder and vague at first sight but there always is another way." Merlin spoke calmy.

Morgana snorted, "If only you knew what you were talking about. "

It was all he could do to not shout back and tell her that he knew exactly what he was talking about but he knew it was one of his few lucky chances that Morgana was opening up to him. He had to say something before she would shut him off. Something. Anything.

"You seem to have a pessimistic approach towards life. I wonder why?"

Mistake. He should've been subtle. He could see Morgana had worn back her mask after hearing these words escape his mouth. He mentally coursed his tactlessness and waited for her answer.

"Long story but I'll tell you something Henry - life isn't always sunshine and rainbows. It's dark  ugly, and gloomy too."

Merlin tried to interrupt but she didn't show him.

"You seem to have a lovely family though I think you were about to tell about your father before I interrupted."

"He's dead." Merlin croaked.

Morgana had not expected this. After all, the impression she had gotten from this man was one that made her think that he lived in paradise with happiness all around. Maybe he wasn't close to his father, Morgana thought but immediately corrected herself thinking of the obvious sorrow in Henry's voice.

"I'm sorry."

"As am I."

There was a silence after this exchange. Merlin was lost in memories but Morgana didn't really know what to say as she knew nothing would make him feel fine. No words. Morgana still missed her foster father- whom she always thought as the real father .

"So...there must be some girl in your life then?" She thought distraction night be a good idea.

Merlin couldn't help but smile. "Not really. "

A forbidden love- Merganaحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن