Suspicion or hallucination ?

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Merlin couldn't believe his plan was working. Morgana didn't suspect a thing, it seemed. He knew that she was terrified by his 'old man' avatar and wasn't much warm to his real face either so this was all very new to him...or no. This reminded him of the Morgana before she had gone to the evil side. He hated to admit it but he missed that Morgana dearly. If she hadn’t been a noble and he a servant, he would’ve most likely dared to peruse their friendship to something more. But as that hadn’t been the case, he had tried to stay away from Morgana but he had always been enchanted by her beauty like every man in Camelot. However, he only didn’t admire her beauty or her manners. He admired that Morgana’s heart. If only her heart wouldn’t have changed. Darkened.That Morgana, his friend, wouldn't dare hurt anyone. She helped and cared for each and everyone. She would've died for the people she loved. She wouldn't care of the repercussions if it meant standing for the right. She was so warm, selfless and caring. She was so very beautiful. The only thing that hadn't changed at all.

"Henry, please sit on the stool and I'll give you the herbs."

Merlin obeyed without removing his eyes from her even for a second because yes, it was very hard to take his eyes off such a pretty lady but he also knew if somehow she got to know about who he really was- he was dead meat.

Morgana didn’t know much about herbs but knew the one used for treatments after it was subjected to her magic. She had her back to Merlin and chanted the spell in whisper over the green leaves. Then she pivoted around and moved towards the boy staring at her in…awe? She wasn’t sure what to do once she reached him. Does SHE apply it? She wanted to touch his skin but at the same time didn’t…thankfully she didn’t need to make the decision as Merlin quickly took the paste from her with a gracious thank you.

Morgan saw Merlin (Henry to her) lift his trousers till ankle level- a deep wound was visible. Morgana wondered that from what height Henry must’ve fallen to attain such a deep cut. Morgana saw that Henry was shy and wanted her to turn away so she quickly accepted his unspoken request. She pretended to move the herbs from one corner of the wooden table in the centre of the cottage to the other and after a few minutes heard a weak voice –

“Umm...Morgana could you please h-help me with this...”

Morgana swiftly got to him and understood the matter within seconds. He needed to apply the remedy on the lower side of his leg and couldn’t reach it while sitting on the stool plus it must’ve hurt him to bend. Morgana couldn’t believe that she really wanted to help this boy. Usually she enjoyed other people’s misery and suffering but not this man’s.

Maybe it was because he didn’t know her or her wickedness and actually thought her to be kind and helpful. His blue eyes looked so earnest and warm.  But at the same time there seemed a hint of …suspicion? No, that can’t be. If he had known who she really was, her past, her destructive capabilities; he would’ve run long ago. Morgana applied the past on his leg and heard him sigh as the pain reduced. Morgana felt proud of her healing abilities.

“This feels so much better Morgana.Mmm.”

Morgana looked up to see his face and saw his eyes closed and a small smile on his face. She felt blood flowing towards her cheeks and knew she had to move. She couldn’t apply it on anymore nor could she let him wither in pain.Mentally slapping herself, she tried to focus. She took the advantage of Henry not looking at her and chanted something. Henry moaned in approval but when Morgana looked up again she found him looking utterly shocked. He had seen her eyes turn golden like the orbs of the sun. Before Henry could say anything, Morgana got up and moved towards the table and pulling a seat sat with her back towards Henry.

Merlin was shocked because he couldn’t believe that Morgana- this Morgana – could be so helpful to someone. He was utterly shocked when she used her magic to heal him- a complete stranger, who no way could be any use to Morgana. Hope spluttered in Merlin's chest like fire. Morgana wasn’t totally gone. She might be convinced to help save Arthur’s life. Maybe deep down she still loved her brother. In his excitement, Merlin forgot that his leg wasn’t completely healed and moved it resulting in pain but he didn’t scream as it was bearable thanks to that spell. He cursed his clumsiness mentally. The story he had told Morgana was true, though he obviously didn’t tell her the whole truth- he had indeed climbed the tree…but very high with the help of his magic so he could locate the direction he needed to head in to reach here. Then the next thing he knew he was falling. He had prevented any serious injury by casting a spell just in time but his leg wasn’t very lucky and had suffered greatly.

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