Thirty seven

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The night that shook my life down to its foundations started on a rather exciting note. Tiger arranged for a style team to come to his house as we drove to his home. He also organized for a car service to go to the party. I hadn't known all the functionalities in my car phone. I watched in amazement as he pressed button on the steering wheel to answer and end calls. In no time, we were at his home. I went to the laundry room and loaded the washing machine before anything else. By the time I got back downstairs, Tiger was chatting with the style team and giving them refreshments. I joined them for a few minutes before we moved upstairs.

Tiger and I got dressed in separate guest rooms while his room remained locked. I took a bath in the guest room while my style team looked over my outfit and planned my look. I put on my undergarments and a robe and sat down for my hair and makeup. The team worked for what felt like ages. Eventually, I stood and they helped me into my dress, shoes and jewelry. The makeup artist rolled a full-length mirror towards me. I couldn't recognize myself in the vision of beauty that reflected back to me in the mirror. They took several photos of me before I went downstairs to meet Tiger. He was outside by the pool. When I stepped off the back verandah, he turned and whistled.

"I can think of about six places in East Africa that we can drive or fly to this evening so that you can continue to do justice to your gown," he said. I laughed. I strutted over to him and paused along the way to do a 360 turn and dance a bit. He bowed when I stood in front of him. I couldn't stop giggling.

"You look amazing," I said as I looked over his three-piece suit.

"I'll be the background effect to your movie tonight," he said. We had photos taken by the pool and in his compound before the car arrived. Andrew's reception was being held at Lake Victoria Serena Golf Resort and Spa. I settled back in the Benz while Tiger guided the driver in storing our overnight bags in the back.

Oh yes, it wasn't just a luxury, lakeside reception. Andrew had arranged for the group to stay over at Serena Kigo after the event. We were returning to Kampala on Sunday evening (apparently, after Tiger beat Andrew to a few rounds of golf). I had put together an overnight bag without much complaint. I had already said yes to the event so I had to roll with whatever came.

It was strange to be heading back to Entebbe only a day after I had driven in the opposite direction towards my apartment. This journey took a much shorter time. It felt like I had just sat and we were already rolling up to the massive hotel gates. I held Tiger's hand the entire journey and looked at my fresh manicure and my purse. My stomach was churning. I was glad that I hadn't just eaten.

Tiger was completely calm and comfortable on his side of the car. He happened to be on the organizing committee for the reception along with Millie. He was taking calls from Millie and various other staff for most of the journey to Entebbe. Every few minutes, he would flex his hand in mine, or give my hand a tight squeeze. It was his way of letting me know that he wanted me to raise my gaze to his. He always smiled and winked at me.

10 minutes before we got to Serena Kigo, Tiger wrapped up his last phone call. He assured the person on the line that he would be there shortly and took out his earpiece. He reached over and touched my chin.

"Ready?" he asked. Was I? It was our first society outing together and I had no idea if I would fit in and how he would explain us to people. I was about to walk into a luxury resort for a classy reception on the arm of an eligible bachelor and billionaire. My anxiety levels were through the roof. The car slid to a stop and there was no chance to answer Tiger's question as everything began to happen quickly. The driver opened my door for me while a valet opened Tiger's door. We released each other's hands so that we could exit the car. The valet followed Tiger's instructions and took out of bags. I joined Tiger on the other side of the car a few minutes before it slid away and another vehicle pulled up. Tiger took my hand and led me into the hotel with the valet trailing behind us. We signed into our rooms and received key cards. I slipped mine into my purse while Tiger tucked his into his jacket pocket.

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