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Over the next few weeks, I continued to work with United Bank. I worked on Tiger's records three evenings a week and for a few hours on Saturdays. Trish and I were still living together and loving it. We went out regularly for all kinds of fun outings. I was at work on Wednesday when my phone rang.

I reached for it and realized it was Tiger. There was a smile in my voice as I answered.

"Hey," I said.

"Hey yourself," he said. "How are you?"

"I'm good. You?"

"I'm alright. We're taking a trip. There's something I want to show you," he said.

"Oh really?"

"Yep. You need to get Friday off. We'll be back on Sunday evening," he said.

"So bossy."

"Technically, I am your boss," he said. I rolled my eyes.

"Where are we headed?"

"That's the spirit. We're going to West Nile," he replied. "We'll take my car. Pack a bag. I'll pick you up on Friday morning."

"Good bye Tiger," I said with a laugh. He was laughing as he hung up.


That evening, I found Trish in the kitchen cooking rice and beef. I dropped my bag in my room and joined her.

"Isn't this one of your evenings with Kawaase?" she asked.

"Schedule changed," I replied. "I'm traveling with him this weekend."

Trish covered the beef and turned around to face me while I got a glass of juice.

"Damn, girl. Spill," she said.

"He called me earlier to tell me he has something to show me and that I should get Friday off and pack a bag," I said.

Trish's eyebrows were all the way up. "When shall you be back?"

"Sunday evening," I said.

"I didn't think we would be shopping condoms this soon," Trish said.

I choked on my juice and took several minutes to recover my breath.

"Trish!" I exclaimed.

"Riddle me this, honey. You and Tiger are going alone on a two-night trip. There is a healthy dose of attraction between you two. Tell me, have you not considered that things may explode between Friday and Sunday?" she asked.

"Trish, this is a work trip," I stated firmly.

"I love you—I truly do. But I don't need any baby Michelle running around here yet. You and Tiger are workmates but also friends. People have made babies based on less."

Trish was right. I couldn't deny the flare of attraction between Tiger and I during those unguarded moments when we were not working. We had kept it business-friendly ever since I took on the job with him. We hadn't been out together in a serious way since Missy's, unless you counted dinner in Bukoto. So far, my walls were holding up.

"I'm not carrying condoms because I'm not sleeping with Tiger," I said firmly.

Trish smiled and turned to resume cooking.

On Friday morning, I woke up early to cook breakfast for Trish as she got ready for work. I was in the kitchen, drinking coffee when she came in with her handbag.

"Blessed is the lady with a three-day weekend," she said.

"I'm going to miss you honey," I said.

"Tiger will keep you well occupied," she said. I rolled my eyes. She sat down to eat. After breakfast, I cleared away her dishes.

"Could I use your perfume?" she asked. I nodded and she went to my room.

A few moments later, she came back in and stood behind me at the sink. She hugged me and kissed my cheek.

"See you when you get back," she said.

My hands were wet so I simply tilted my head to smile at her. She drew back and left.

After doing the dishes, I went back to my room and stood on the balcony. I had a fresh cup of coffee in hand. My bag was packed and on my bed. All I had left on my to do list was a shower. I watched as the sun peaked over the horizon.

Was this trip a good decision? What was Tiger being so secretive about?

I stood for a long time in my pajamas, sipping my coffee. Eventually, I turned away from the sun rise and went inside to shower. I put on khaki shorts, a white blouse and sneakers. I had just carried my bag out to the living room when my phone rang.

I took it out of my back pocket and saw Tiger's caller ID. I swiped to answer the call.

"Good morning Tiger," I greeted.

"Good morning Michelle," he said. "How are you?"

"I'm alright," I said.

"Did you sleep well?" he asked.

There was a knock at my door. "I slept well," I replied as I walked to the door. "Hold on."

I opened the door and found Tiger standing there with a smile on his face and his phone to his ear.

"Wow," I said as I took my phone off my ear and disconnected the call.

"May I come in?" he asked. I had grudgingly given him my address the night before because I couldn't drive to meet him as someone would have to return my car and Trish was the only one I trusted to drive it.

I had told Tiger to call when he got to the apartments; knowing that I would meet him downstairs.

I stepped back and gestured. He slipped past me and entered the apartment. I closed the door and stood facing it for a second. I took a deep breath. I forced myself to relax. I had worked hard for everything I had. It may be simple and probably low class in the eyes of a billionaire but it was all mine. I turned to find Tiger's eyes on me.

"Nice place," he said with a smile.

"Thank you," I said. I picked up my empty coffee mug and went into the kitchen. I went to the sink to rinse it. Tiger entered the kitchen behind me and leaned against one of the counters with his feet crossed at the ankles.

"Do you mind?" he asked. I looked over my shoulder to see his hand hovering over an apple in the fruit basket.

"Go ahead," I said. He picked up the apple and bit into it.

"Are you prepared to tell me more about this trip?" I asked. I had noted he was dressed as casually as I was in quarter shorts and a shirt with sunglasses tucked into the front.

"I'm quite enjoying your blind faith in me," he replied. I shook my head and put my mug on the rack.

"You're something else, Tiger," I said. "Well, let's go before I change my mind about this."

He pushed off the counter and followed me into the living room. He picked up my travel bag and within moments, we were in his car and on the way.

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