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My eyebrows went up. Were we going to maintain sanity when I was up close to that delicious chest? Also, my dress was even shorter than mid-thigh when I sat. I contemplated refusing his order. It must have shown in my face because it was his turn to raise his eyebrows. I rolled my eyes and stood up with my drink. He pushed back his chair from the table and leaned back. His legs were parted. I stepped between them. Our shoes got tangled up and my sandal slipped. I reached out and lay my free hand on his chest for balance. He gripped my waist. Our faces were so close together that I could see the brown color of his eyes. His hands burned through the cotton of my dress. I curled my fingers on his chest; lightly scraping with my short nails. He exhaled slowly.

"Are you alright?" he asked, after several moments.

"I'm okay," I replied as I sat down on his right thigh. He nodded and released my waist. I took my palm off his chest and busied myself with setting up my drink and cards.

Tiger picked a card.

"When it comes to lingerie, do you prefer as little as possible or cover up and have something to unwrap?" I asked.

"I feel that whatever my woman is comfortable going to bed in would work for me," he replied.

"You're avoiding the question," I said.

"I'm not. I've never seen clothes as either an enhancement or hindrance to passion. I mean, she could be in sweatpants and a big sweater chilling in the couch or doing dishes in the kitchen; she could be in a pant suit or a jumpsuit. If we are both down for it, as long as I can find the hooks, zips and buttons, it's on," he said.

"If your woman was coming to bed at night in a t-shirt and pajama trousers, wouldn't you think that she isn't making an effort or she is trying to block sex?" I asked.

"The need for communication in a relationship extends to sexual relations as well. I think it is a big leap to make from pajama trousers to 'No sex tonight'. The reverse of that is assuming that whenever a woman wears sensual lingerie, she's up for sex. Being in a relationship doesn't eliminate the need to get consent. She could be wearing pajama trousers because it is cold but she is more than happy to get down. She could be wearing sensual lingerie because she likes to show off her body but she doesn't always want to get down," he replied.

"Don't you think it's exhausting and strains a marriage relationship if you both need to get consent for sex?" I asked.

"In such a long-term relationship, it is important to have an environment where either of the parties has the ability to say no to sex without it being an issue. If the woman is tired and wants to sleep, and her man makes an advance, she should be able to say no without him raising his fists or voice at her in response. Similarly, if a man is unwilling to perform, he should be able to say no without the lady resorting to emotional blackmail," he replied.

"I understand," I said.

"Your turn: What is something romantic you have done that you're most proud of?" he asked.

"My ex's mother was taken ill suddenly and hospitalized at Mengo Hospital. He was sitting exams and worried about her. I used to get up very early in the morning and prepare meals. I would take food to his mother in hospital and sit with her while the caretaker went home to refresh and bring things for his mum. Then I would go to meet him midmorning from the hospital; bringing food for him and an update about his mother," I replied. "After that, I would proceed with my day. This went on for about a week and a half after which she was discharged."

"Damn. What the hell was he smoking when he let you walk out of his life?" Tiger asked with a whistle.

"Sometimes, despite your best efforts, things just don't work out," I replied.

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