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The air was heavy when they entered the room. The windows had been dimmed, light streaming through much less intense. The plants were moving through the air, but weren't able to convert the heavy air and smells into fresh air fast enough. Crystals were placed in front of the windows and spread the light through the room, shining colours onto the walls and turning the dull bricks into a rainbow paradise. 

Purring and keening sounds escaped the nest, as though the two inhabitants hadn't noticed the two figures entering the safe environment of Harrion's chambers. 

As the two figures spoke the enchantment, it seemed like the mates calmed down, the air became thinner and lighter. The sunlight shone in softer, alsmost ghosting over everything in the room. Not yet touching, but briefly stroking over their skin, which made goosebumps rise. 

Then a dangerous scent spilled out of the nest onto the floor, a light fog cirkeling the feet of the two intruders, daring them to take only a step forward before they were heavily sedated and devoured. 

"Shit. Retreat. Retreat!" One of the voices yelled, they ran back to the door as it swung open, the mist forcing the intruders out. The door slammed shut behind them, and they were out just in time. 

"Take the scarfs off, into the basket. Now quickly go shower before he goes mad," Antoine said to Ron and Hermione. 

It had been a few days since the heat of Fred and George had started. The first day had been the most difficult one. Harry had locked the two inside the room, his instincts taking over because of the intense pheromones coming off the twin's preheat. Harry himself had camped outside the door, attacking anyone who dared to come withing 10 metres of the room. Ron and Hermione had camped on the couch that evening, Harry on the floor. 

After that Hermione, Antione, Draco and Ron had decided it would be best to seal the door to the nest and keep Harry away, but sane by providing him and the twins scent of eachother. 

"Ron, did you use the up-spell again? I told you to only do the connect-spell! It's more natural and your brothers wouldn't have noticed. Remember-"

"..up-spells are mine, and connect-spells are Harry's, yes hermione I know. Thank you. I just can't help but wonder when they stop making sounds. We still don't know what that  mist is, and Harry is almost going crazy. How are we going to last a week when he's already biting his nails and scraping bits off his door? There must be something else, something more?"

Antoine stepped in, the basket with scarfs in his hands. "Now what did I say? Shower before we answer these questions. Have you not yet noticed the growling coming from the sofa? Move it, you two." 

He and Draco stepped down the stairs as the bickering couple quickly rushed to their shower. The fire was still going since a few days ago, Harry made sure of it. It showed him the state of his mates, lowly rumbeling, soft on his skin. They were happy. Concious. Reaching out to him, but knowing not to seduce him at this time. 

And so when the two sat down on the sofa's, the basket being gently shoved over the table in Harrion's direction, they were safe. Harry snatched the scarfs, the scent of his mates overpowering those of Ron and Hermione which were almost similar to his now. A low whine escaped his mouth as he closed his eyes, and a single tear rolled down his face. 

"Please. Antoine. Draco. I love them. I do. I truely do. I would never hurt them, I would never touch them, I wouldn't even call out to them. I'm not calling out to them right now. I'm being very nice and I'm being calm. Please let me at least see them. I need to see them. Please.." 

Antoine responded firm, but reassuring. "Harrion, darling. King. Master and Dragon. You cannot come into contact with them untill they have finished their heat. One look and you won't be able to resist them. You aren't in controll of them. You never were. They are in controll of you, as is a mates, and an omega's duty. They are our reason. Now you must give them space."

Harry sobbed into the scarfs. The scent never lasted longer than two hours, so he held them close as long as possible and patted the fire once again. 

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