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The past few weeks had been calm. Maybe a bit too calm, less busy than he had expected. He guessed it was because his appointed master hadn't discovered or realised his true nature that long ago. And that ment he wouldn't be familiar with all the customs (and all the illegal things) he could actually do.

Today had been a chilly day. Autumn was at its pique and made that very clear with rain.. rain.. and more rain. The greenhouses had been soggy when herbiology had begun this morning, Professor sprout of course not minding at all because "This way the mandragoras will bloom very soon, Neville!". She had been enthousiastic enough not to have noticed the students in the back splitting some rose petals and feeding them to the venus flytraps, which resulted in plants farting. Which is not as funny as it sounds.

He had taken three showers since then, within an hour, and still.. his hair faintly smellt like molten corn and brocolli. Not even the stupid hairconditioner Sprout had handed out afterwards had helped.

Three short taps on his door shook him out of his thought process, feeling stupid for not having felt the wards go off.

As he opened the door he held his wand at the ready, still not trusting his new floormates after the incident with the underwear. "Did the bird fly?"

...the silence lasted but a moment and was breached by a heavy voice.

"No. It has yet to fly, for it has been eaten."

His shoulders sank immediately, cool air entering the room as he invited the dragon in. He straightened his shirt and cursed himself for not having put some gel in his hair or cleaning the room before Harrion arrived.

"Sire, what a surprise. Please do come in, make yourself at home. Can i summon a house elve for some tea, or something else to drink? I'll take your coat." He quickly closed the door with slightly trembeling hands and went with his hands through his hair.

"Draco, please, as I requested. Harrion. And yes please, some chamomile would be nice." Harry handed Darco his coat and slumped down in an armchair near the fireplace.

Draco had gotten a private room as well, as soon as Dumbledore had received the news.

"What seems to be the matter, Harrion? You seem tense.. maybe even out of energy.." Draco had summoned a house elve and sent her off with an order of chamomile tea and butterscotch cookies.

"Their heat is coming soon. I cannot have them without permission or courting rituals, but I cannot leave them in nest for a week without me being able to visit them. I can't even go a day without touching them. I groom them every night, I can't throw those bonding moments away. I need to see them every day, i need to be able to smell them.

What do I do, Draco?"

His voice broke at the last sentence, sinking his head inot his hands. Small tears rolled down the man's cheeks, silently but fast.

"It is quite simple, actually. Raw unions and peanutbutter."

Draco walked over to Harry with the tea and biscuits that had appeared on the side table near the door. He poured Harry a cup and then himself, settleing on the couch opposite of the dragon.

"The raw unions repell evil intentions and make minds clear, and the peanutbutter smell is way too harsh for a dragon, it pesters the nose for even 3 hours after smelling it." He took a sip of his tea and handed Harrion a biscuit.

"You can see your partners, smell them, touch them even, but you won't want to do more than that. If you want I can make a potion which dulls their sense of touch, because it will be heightened during heat."

Harry's face relaxed slowly, a calculating look appearing on his face and his shoulders dropped. He sat back with his tea, sipping slowly.

A moment passed, fire crackeling in the fire place, wind beating against the windows from time to time.

"Will you be able to get those for me, today? I am not sure when their heat will arrive, but i could not smell it yet. They could feel it though. I put the knights on watch. I want the unions, peanutbutter, that potion of yours and some fresh succulents. Will you be able to bring me some quartz too? Orange and green ones. Tomorrow 10:00. Ask Antoine if you need help. I'll need you at ten sharp. I expect you to be there. You need to help me with small adjustments. And make a note to add you in the wards."

Harrion stood up quickly, energy back in his body, ready to charge. "Thank you, Draco. I will see you tomorrow."

He walked over to the door, took his own coat and left without another word.

A sigh. "Antoine!"

Steps sounded down the stairs. "Looks like you got yourself a shopping list, darling."

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