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'Today, students will be arriving. I hope you have taken all precautions, and nothing will go wrong. When the mates are part of the group and Harry recognises them, you will have to get everyone in the pathway from Harry to them into safety, so once again I repeat, Charlie blows them away, Ron, Rolf and I will do cushioning charms so they land safely, and Snape, Dumbledore and Hermione will escort them as quickly as possible to the great hall via the surrounding fireplaces. If anything else happens, get Ron and Hermione to Harry as fast as possible, they have gained the instinct to help him in the past week. All the other proffesors have been informed, they know what to do. Got it?' Antoine said. 

September 1st, first day of Hogwarts again, and within an hour from now, the students would be arriving. The group that had spent the past two weeks at Hogwarts training Harry had gathered in the entrance hall to go over the last points of attention for the night. Emergency portkeys had been distributed over the 7 people, capable to be used by up to 30 people at a time. Harry stood two stairs higher, able to smell his mates easily from up there. 

'Everybody, take your places, and no hesitation,' Antoine finished. 

After 40 minutes of waiting, the first carriage pulled up, and a few students got out, walked into the castle and further to the Great Hall. Ron looked up, to Harry, but back down with relief, no reaction yet. More and More students came walking in, and after the first thirty carriages and all the first years, still no reaction. Hermione started to get nervous, only a few carriages were left to arrive now, there were already so many students in the Great Hall. 

Then, the sweetest scent drifted into the entrance hall, and not soon after, Harry came down with his wings spread. Ron, Hermione and Harry all stood still, as if they were under a petrificus totalus, fascinated, staring into the dark of the night. A carriage pulled up, containing three people. They climbed out of the carriage, taking their travel bags and coats, then walked up to the castle. The scent became stronger with each step the three took, and Harry looked like he was about to faint. Hermione and Ron instinctively and unconciously grabbed his wrists, both lending him energy as preventing him from running off. 

The three persons stepped into the light of the entrance hall, revealing themselves as Fred Weasley, Lee jordan and George Weasley. 'Charlie, Rolf, get those three into a seperate room, now!' Hermione screamed, as Harry pulled on their hands. Harry was growling now, his eyes furiously glowing, his neckhairs standing straight up. He showed his teeth, and growled at anyone who dared to come close to HIS MATES

Charlie and Rolf took the three boys by the arms and ran off into the closest classroom with them, Snape and Dumbledore protecting the children left in the entrance hall, and Ron and Hermione holding Harry tight by his arms, whispering calming things into his ears, hoping he wouldn't get too angry. They then walked calmly to the classroom, Ron shouting to Rolf and Charlie that they should 'bugger off' before they were dead. 

Fred, Lee and George were standing seperated in the room, Fred against the window, Lee on the left near the cabinets, and George on the right near some practice-plants. 'You, out now.' Harry's voice was low, all the time growling because of the threat of the one person too close to his mates, finaly his mates. Lee fled the room as fast as he could, Fred and George left behind in confusion. 

'Shut the door, and lock it.' Anger still thick in his voice. Ron quickly shut and locked the door, and darkened the windows too. Then the room filled with a thick scent, Harry's pheromones stiffling and heavy. Still, Ron and Hermione stood strong, now used to the pheromones, and watched as Fred and George buckled to their knees as they first smelled the scent of.. of their mate. Tears instinctively flowing, because their mate was angry, and they had to do something about it, their job was to keep him happy and satisfied. 

'Come over here, on your knees,' Harry commanded, and the twins started crawling, very fast, over to Harry. They stopped once they touched his feet, their cheeks on his thighs, rubbing their heads on them for forgiveness. Harry watched them for a few seconds, and then patted their heads in approval. 'Step back now,' He commanded Ron and Hermione, and once they were against the wall, he dropped to his knees and took his mate's faces in his hands, finaly allowing himself to show a little emotion. 'I'm so happy you're here and safe,' He said smiling, a tear rolling down his face. 

'We're here, and we're not leaving, ever,' Fred and George replied at the same time, now happy-tears rolling down their faces. 'Let's go, to our nest, you must be tired,' Harry said as he slowly stood up, pulling the twins up with him. 

'A.. a nest? f-for us?' They asked, new tears forming in their eyes. 'I made it perfect for you, it's soft and comfortable, and you'll be surrounded by my scent the entire time. Shall we go?' 


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