Chapter 4: Gareth

Start from the beginning

In reality, though, his father worried.

He worried a lot and was more of a mother hen than anyone would like to believe.

"—But do not forget that you are an Odum. We do not let our studies fall to the point where we must raise them. Nazareth, are you listening? This is serious. We are talking about your future."

His father scolded him.

It was familiar to watch him rattle on.

"Yes, father. I understand." Neo could only respond helplessly, his mind falling back into wistfulness.

He had a good life in the Modern World, but that life came with regrets of the past.

And now, here he was. Once more reliving the first lifetime.

Nothing had happened yet. Everything was still so peaceful.


Gareth observed his oldest son from the corner of his eyes.

Nazareth had appeared to breakfast with his hair cut to his nape and a docile manner to match.

He never paid much attention to this illegitimate child, not that he had much time to pay attention to any of his children. The Emperor had always kept him busy with work, so most of his information regarding his children came second-hand from the servants.

Aurelion and Guinivere were raised from infancy and were used to the duties of the aristocracy. They understood the undertones of affections in the household and were similar in personality to him and his wife.

This was the main reason why he had never had any trouble with the two.

However, his eldest had always been an anomaly.

It was amazing how no one ever wondered why the Odums have never had more than a son and a daughter. The mistake of his youth brought about consequences in the form of that bastard son, and even now, it was his greatest regret.

He regretted not knowing of that child on the streets who was five minutes away from doing something that would imprison him to a life of debt.

That child, who was left to wander for who knows how long? Who learned nothing but the deceptions of a brothel house, broken by the dredge of society.

Gareth knew that bringing a seven-year-old child from the streets of the Red Light District would cause a scandal, but Nazareth was his child.

He didn't know how it was possible for him to sire him, as everyone knew that an Odum Duke was only capable of having two children per generation.

Nazareth was more of a miracle than anything else. An unexpected miracle, but nonetheless, a miracle.

Some in the court deemed him to be an ominous sign, but one look from Gareth promptly shut them up.

Gareth wasn't oblivious to the schemes of his eldest son. He was aware of the one-sided rivalry Nazareth had against his second.

It just... Aurelion and Guinivere were easier to take care of. The two of them were similar to him and his wife, while Nazareth...

Nazareth was different.

Whereas Aurelion and Guinivere were cold and icy, Nazareth burned with emotions and acted on his own feelings and heart. Those were very good qualities, if not for the fact that he endangered his younger brother on a weekly basis.

Gareth didn't know what to do. This was his first experiencing the struggles of parenting. He knew Nazareth was capable of good, he just needed guidance.

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