Chapter 41

23 5 7

V Pov


shall we start the game now??" I looked at the corner of the room that was dark and saw IU, smirking..

"Game??" I asked, looked at Y/n..

"네.. The title of the game is called 'How To Kill Someone Without Mercy?' " IU said, walking to me with a metal bar with some bloods on it..


She lifted it up high and hitted my right thigh cause me to groan,


"Do you like it??" She asked, mimicking..

"What about this??" She changed her position and hitted my left thigh..


"Yoongi, gun" She said shortly and Yoongi took out his gun and shoot my right calf cause it to bleed..


Without waiting, he shoot my other calf and I closed my eyes, tried to endure the pain..

Then, she took out a small knife from her pocket and walked behind me as her knife slowly brushed against my arms that was tied together..

"Wanna have a taste of it??~" She whispered to my ear and slowly sliced my arm, leave some mark on it..

I opened my eyes slowly and my eyes drove to Y/n who was trying to endure her tears from keep falling down..

"Y/n-ah, it's okay.. D-don't cry.. Everything w-will be alright" I gave her a small smile, tried to comfort her..

"Tch... How can you smile in this crucial moment of your life that will drive you to death??" Yoongi pointed his gun at me while rolling his eyes..

After slicing(?) my arm, she put the knife at my throat while smirking..

"Do you have any last word before you die??" She asked, pushing the knife deeper cause my throat to bleed..


do you want to know something??" I asked while smirking..

"I can't die even if you shoot my heart 100 times"




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