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before you read: thank you guys so much for all the support on my other parts waaaa!!!!! ily all!!! sorry for not updating in awhile qwq ive just been a little unmotivated. but here's a new part to satisfy your shipping needs! also, this one's a little sad so beware!!

it was another boring day in the broadcasting club. sakura was fixing her radio up while tsukasa ran around wildly as usual. natsuhiko blabbered on and on to sakura.
"m'lady, why do we use that old radio anyways? i could buy you a nice phone instead so we could broadcast our rumors through the whole school in style..." he continued on and on, droning about how great he would treat sakura of she'd let him date her. mitsuba wasn't really listening. he was doing what he usually did in the broadcasting club: sit in the back corner and fidget with his camera. he was bored out of his mind. he checked a clock they kept around the cluttered room. 3:47... school should be over by now, mitsuba thought to himself, now's my chance! he slowly got up off the floor and walked to the door. he slithered out of the door silently and out into the hallway. no one seemed to notice. he let out a large sigh of relief. alright, now let's get working!

kou wandered around the school. pretty much everyone had gone home by now. the only few people staying were there to study or were in small clubs. he walked through the halls aimlessly, kicking a crushed soda can in front of him every few steps. he thought about the following day: valentine's day. maybe he would get a valentine this year. should... should i give a valentine? he thought for a moment before feeling his face get warm. the thought of his happy face when he opened kou's gift... the thought caught him off guard. wh-why did i think of mitsuba? we aren't even dating. plus it'd be crazy to give a ghost a valentine. m-maybe for nene i could... but... he sighed and kept walking.

mitsuba was hard at work in the school's garden. surely no one would notice if he picked some flowers from the garden. he plucked flower after flower, delicately placing them into a book he had found. he collected small daisies and tulips. he pressed the book closed with the flowers still inside. these should be nice and pressed by tomorrow, he thought. now... it was time for the most important part! mitsuba clenched his camera in his hands with a newfound confidence. everything was going so well thus far! this would be the best valentine ever! he felt his ears burn when he thought if the finished product... am i really doing this? he thought. i mean... maybe he will think it's just a friend thing! friends give friends valentines... right? he groaned and floated back towards the school, his stomach uneasy and his confidence faded. maybe this wasn't a great idea.

time skip: valentine's day.

mitsuba watched the clock intensely. 3:58. school was definitely over by now. he felt uneasy as he stood, his legs shaking underneath him. tsukasa noticed mitsuba approaching the door this time. he sprung from his seat next to sakura and pounced on mitsuba, knocking him off his feet.
"mitsuba mitsuba mitsuba!!" he ruffled mitsuba's hair, "where ya gooooin'?"
"get off me you little demon!" mitsuba squirmed under tsukasa, pushing him off, "just because i look delicate doesn't mean you can have your way with me!" mitsuba fixed his hair back and stood. he brushed himself off. again, his ears started to burn and he felt a warm wave of embarrassment wash over him.
"i'm... gonna go give someone a valentine..." he mumbled almost inaudible. the room was silent as both natsuhiko and sakura watched in shock. it wasn't long before tsukasa chimed in, "gaaawwww!!! i hope whatever lucky lady gets your valentine looooves iiiiit!!!" tsukasa ran back over and showed mitsuba out of the door harshly, "now goooo get em!!! see yaaaa!" tsukasa slammed the door in mitsuba's face
mitsuba was shocked. lucky lady, he thought, yeah right. alas, he had no time to waste. he giggled and set off to find kou.

mitsuba was worn out. it was almost five o'clock already and kou was nowhere to be found. he groaned loudly, squeezing the valentine in his hand. did he already leave? was i too late? one million thoughts raced through his head as he felt his eyes well up with tears. is he maybe avoiding me? does he not like me? am i that mean? mitsuba began to fear the worst. he wept a little as he approached the door to the roof. he opened the large wooden door. a glorious afternoon sky poured through the door and onto him. the sky was begining to turn a lovely orange and pink color. he smiled at the view. he closed the door behind him and approached the railing of the roof. he slid his valentine into his pocket to grab his camera. he took his camera in his hand, readying it for the photo. aaaaaand.... snap! the camera shutter made a click as mitsuba lowered the camera from his eye. he looked out once more at the beautiful view unfolding in front of him as he wiped his tears. but, to his surprise, there was a sudden sniffling coming from the opposite side of the roof. mitsuba turned around swiftly. he saw kou, sitting with his knees up to his chest on the furthest corner if the roof. mitsuba's face lit up. he ran fast over to kou.
"traffic ear-ring!! oh my god ive been looking for you!" mitsuba sat down in front of kou "is this where you've been hiding this whole ti-" he froze. kou looked up at mitsuba with teary eyes. mitsuba stared back at kou. "oh. uhh... do you want me to leave? im sorry if i interrupted you. i don't really know how to help with crying... i guess i can come back la-" he was once again cut off. but, this time was different. kou quickly wrapped his arms around mitsuba in a warm embrace. kou cried a little into mitsuba, grabbing lightly at his soft sweater. mitsuba wanted to fight. he wanted to be as defensive as ever and force kou off of him. he wanted to call him a pervert and hit him in the face. but instead... he smiled and hugged back.

kou pulled away suddenly, his face red with embarrassment.
"a-ah. sorry..." he stood up suddenly and stiffly, "i guess i'll be going now." he began to walk away.
"w-wait!" mitsuba tugged on his shirt sleeve. he dusted himself off and stood up. "i uhm..." he felt his entire plan fade away in his head. goddammit mitsuba!! pull it together! he thought as he reached into his pocket. "this is uh... yours now." he handed kou a polaroid picture of him and kou standing together in a garden. kou remembered when this was taken. it was back when they had to find the perfect picture. the polaroid had many beautiful pressed flowers glued along the sides to make a pretty flower frame. kou covered his mouth with his hand. he felt his emotions flooding up again. he wiped his eyes as he smiled. "thank you mitsuba." mitsuba's face flushed red as he was about to insult kou for being so... like that... but nothing came out.
"i did make something for you," kou confessed, " but... i didn't think it was good enough..." he rubbed the back of his neck. he watched mitsuba's face dim a little with dissapointment.
"oh. thats fine." kou felt a pang of guilt in his heart when mitsuba spoke. they both stood, neither one sure what to do next. kou had to make it up somehow. mitsuba was about to leave. kou felt his heart tear. he didn't want to leave mitsuba with nothing. he grabbed mitsuba's hand and pulled him in. to the pink haired boys surprise, kou quickly landed a kiss on mitsuba's cheek. they stayed for a few seconds before kou pulled away. he smiled as mitsuba's face displayed a frozen shocked expression.
"there. that's your thanks for the gift," kou squeezed mitsuba's hand, "i feel a little silly asking this now but... will you be my valentine?" mitsuba froze. but to kou's surprise he started laughing. his laugh was almost contagious as kou started laughing too. mitsuba calmed down, a sweet smile on his face. he looked kou in the eyes, sure of his decision.

"of course, stupid traffic ear-ring"

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