Don't Look Back In Anger

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Hope tries her hardest to focus on the punching bag in front of her. She punches and kicks, each hit stronger than the last. She's trying her hardest to let her emotions out in this way.

She needs to have control again. To not feel so out of it all the time. And maybe even to shake a certain raven haired witch out of her mind.

Hope stops everything when a loud whistle comes from near the door. There, Penelope stands with a smirk on. Speaking of the devil...

"What's getting you so worked up this early on a Saturday morning Mikaelson? Not that I'm complaining, 'cause the view is totally hot."

Hope rolls her eyes and stops the bag from moving, choosing to focus her attention on Penelope.

"Good morning to you too, Penelope."

The witch chuckles and walks closer.

"Morning Hope." The smirk turns into a smile. "So, what's up?"

Hope sighs. "Nothing."

"Nothing? I think that punching bag would say otherwise." She asks with a raised eyebrow

Hope sighs and wipes her forehead with the back of her hand.

"I just... There's a lot going on right now. I needed to do something to get it out, you know?"

Penelope let's out a little sound in understanding. Of course, how could I forget?

"And where's Dr. Saltzman to help you with that?"

Hope chuckles and softly punches the bag she was holding moments earlier.

"He and Mrs Forbes took Lizzie out. I don't know where though." Hope shrugs. "You know, since Josie's been spending a lot of time with Jade, Lizzie's been feeling... left out, I guess."

"Yeah... Jojo's really whipped this time huh?" Penelope chuckles. "I guess I'll just have to be the one helping you."

"What do you mean?" Hope says with a frown.

Penelope chuckles one more time and turns around, walking back towards the door. Under the eyes of a very confused Hope, the short haired witch walks out of the gym.

Okay. That's just rude. Hope thinks before punching the bag one more time.

After a couple of minutes of punching, Hope feels frustrated. She gives one final and hard kick, and then she stops. The Mikaelson girl catches her breath, and does her best to calm herself.

Just as she's about to turn around and go back to her bag, she hears footsteps into the gym. Hope turns and almost stops breathing when her eyes land on a Penelope Park that is wearing very tight training clothes.

"See something you like?" Penelope says with a smirk.

Hope swallows hard. "I, uh... What are you doing here in those clothes?"

The short haired girl rolls her eyes. "What do you do in a gym, wearing training clothes Hope?"

"Oh... I can leave if you wanna train."

"I'm here to train with you, Mikaelson. I thought I made that clear before I left" Penelope says with a raised eyebrow, like it was the most obvious thing in the world.

Hope's laughter comes as a surprise to Penelope. It's good to see Hope laugh so freely, but at the same time she can't help but be a little offended.

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