Magic Shop

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Alright! Took me over an year and half but I finally managed to finish this first chapter 😪.

I sincerely hope you guys enjoy it and if you do, please let me know in the comments. I've been going through a lot and life atm feels like a void, but reading your comment always puts a little smile on my face and makes my days a little bit more tolerable.

That said, and I'm gonna ⚠️ this before you start reading; if you're impatient like me, or suffer from anxiety like me, and hate to wait for updates... Like me. I'll let you know that chapter two will take a good while to come out. So I'll make no promises. It could come out next week, next month, next year... I seriously don't know.

I'm committed to this story but there's times that it's just impossible to write cuz I constantly lose the passion for the project and there's a bunch of other phycological issues involved that I won't bother you with.

So, to the ones of you like me that don't want to wait an indefinite amount of time for an update; I understand you and will totally respect if you decide to not read this.

To the ones who will read this anyway, you have my upmost gratitude.

Now about the chapter itself; like I said, this has been in the works for over an year and a half so the writting styles will be a bit different/wonky throughout but I sincerely did my best given the circumstances.

And last but not least I'd like to thank a few people. Firstly, Jade (Wolf_keryon7 on AO3) for starting this chapter with me. Unfortunately I haven't heard anything from her in over a year now. So, Jade, if your reading this... Answer the gazillion emails I sent you! Thank you.
Secondly; to all my Discord friends who had to put up with my BS and gave me tons of advice and feedback. I won't list names here but you know who you are. So thank you very very much.

Alright, without further ado, enjoy the full version of 'Magic Shop'!

P.S: Listen to the song, it's really good.

Good reading! 


Chapter 1 - Magic Shop


🌐 Mystic Falls, Virginia - December 22th

"Slow down!"

Penelope huffed at her floating tablet. Quickly shifting her glance back to the canvas in front of her for what felt like the twentieth time in the last minute. The brush in her hand running unsurely over a mess of colors — trying to blend them together into the gorgeous afternoon sky she saw in the tutorial.

"Criss-cross strokes... Yeah, I'm doing that Mr. Ross, but guess what? It's not blending!" Rewinding the video again, a frustrated sigh left her lips. Penelope hit the pause button. Taking a minute to breathe and figure out what she was doing wrong.

'We don't make mistakes, just happy little accidents.' She heard Bob Ross say in her head. Running a hand through her hair before redoing the messy samurai bun she had going on — not caring about getting it stained with the paint covering her fingers.

Okay... I can do this! — In about ten minutes her lips were twitching up in a proud smile. Now, finally happy with the results, she hit play.

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