The Unforgiven

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Hope spent the whole night tossing and turning in bed. Now the sun is up again and she barely slept at all. Still, she pushes the covers off of her body and gets out of bed.

She's halfway through getting dressed when she realises she doesn't actually feel like going to class. Her chat with Penelope kept replaying in her mind again and again.

Add to it her grief over her parents' death and it makes her an emotional mess.

Instead of putting on the beautiful shirt she was planning on wearing today, Hope reaches for the paint stained one she keeps for painting. It doesn't take her long to get to work, but with each minute, the frustration and sadness seem to grow.

After one too many canvas wasted, Hope throws her brush on the other side of the room. She takes a deep breath, trying to get her emotions under control as tears threatens to fall from her eyes.

Maybe binge watching episodes of Cutthroat Kitchen is a better idea for today.

She takes her laptop from her desk and walks to her bed. Hope slips under her covers and quickly look through her laptop to find new episodes of her favorite cooking show.

But just as she's clicking on an episode, there's an urgent knock on her door. Hope sighs, puts the laptop aside and walks to the door. The Mikaelson girl opens it, preparing her best glare, but then she sees the terrified student on the other side of her door.

"Hope! There's a guy attacking the school. He took MG as a hostage and he requests to see you!"

"What? Wait, who is attacking the school?" Hope asks with a frown.

"We don't know, he just said he wants to see you and that he wouldn't hurt MG if you came willingly." The students says, fear laced in his voice. "Please Hope, it's urgent."

Hope follows the girl through the halls, her paint stained shirt still on and pain still clouding her head and heart. The students are all gathered around the windows, looking outside with fear.

"Stay inside." Hope says to the girl before walking out of the school.

It doesn't take long for the Mikaelson girl to spot the man holding MG hostage in the middle of the driveway. It's pretty clear the man is a vampire, and Hope is sure the people waiting behind him are too. She takes a quick look at them, before focusing herself on the man and MG.

"You asked to see me, now let MG go." Hope growls.

The vampire smiles, and then he lets go of MG, arrogant smile still in place. MG stumbles to the side before getting behind Hope at vampire speed.

"Go back inside MG." Hope says without looking back at him.


"Do as I said!"

When she's sure MG is back inside the school, Hope places all her attention on the man. She tries hard to think if she've seen him before, but nothing comes up.

"The daughter of the most evil men roaming the earth."

That feels like a stake in the heart to Hope, but she does her best to stay in control.

"Who are you and what do you want?" Hope asks, her eyes never leaving the vampire.

"My name is Salazar, and I am here to kill you and destroy this school." He says with an evil smile.

Hope rolls her eyes, not really caring about the "killing you" part because that is literally impossible, but she does worry a bit about the "destroying the school" part.

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