and most importantly- how to have a crush yourself.

he doesn't like Bogum yet. he thinks he's cute, yeah but he doesn't like him like that. but he wants too. and V believes he will.

he then feels his eyelids close slowly and soon enough, he's asleep.


the next morning V wakes up to a dancing Jimin.

"how-" V asked, still a bit sleepy, as he rubbed his eyes with his palms.

"your mom let me in" Jimin said, interrupting him as he took off his earbud, panting a bit from all the dancing.

"still dancing 'Fancy'?" V asked, raising a brow as Jimin sheepishly rubbed the nape of his neck, "well yeah, but 'Feel Special' could never you know" Jimin stated as a matter of fact and V nodded in agreement.

"umm J-Jimin hyung-"

"what do you need?" Jimin asked and V chuckled, embarrassed while mentally cursing his best friend for knowing him all to well.

"listen so there's this guy..." V said and Jimin's eyes widen as he jumped on the latter's bed and hugged him so tight he could barely breath.

"J-Jimin y-you're *deep deep breath* c-can't b-br-breath" V said, between small breath while Jimin squeezed him to death.

Jimin didn't let go... 

and then....

V died.

the end:)

jk the fuck


Jimin finally let go from the male when V started hitting his back.

"fine fine i'll let go" Jimin grumpily mumbled as he broke the hug.

"thank you dear Namjesus!" V yelled as he took a deep breath, inhaling deeply.

"Namjesus?" Jimin asked, amused, giggling at the weird name.

"yeah it's Namjoon and Jesus. he's the literal lord. you know man." V said jokingly, pretending to praise the name as Jimin laughed along.

"well anyways back to the subject. what did you need?" Jimin asked.

"how did you know i need something?" V asked, pouting a bit.

"whenever you in need of something from me you call me hyung." Jimin said, rolling his eyes.

"okay so are you listening?" V asked and Jimin nodded, settling himself on the bed, "well i want to make this boy like me- Bogum you know him right? the new guy. so he's kinda and i also think it's a good thing for me to start dating something to get over Jungkook because i may or may not have some leftovers of those stupid feelings i used to have. like it's only because he pecked me and helped me when Hoseok tried to rape me but he was drunk so that's okay but you see i really wanna have a new start and finally get a boyfriend for fuck's sake because i do think i deserve to have one. you know right? you feel me yeah?" 

Jimin remained silent, a blank expression decorating his face.

V looked at him in fear. did he say anything he shouldn't have?

~20 seconds of silent later~

"WHAT?! JUNGKOOK PECKED YOU?! HOSEOK TRIED TO RAPE YOU?! YOU WANT TO DATE BOGUM?!" Jimin shouted, throwing his hands aggressively everywhere, almost hitting V's eye.

"i'll explain you on the way to school. now i need your help." V said.

"with what now?!"

"i need to seduce Bogum so he'd start liking me so i read online outfit matters. wear tight clothes that stick to your body and such you know?" V said and Jimin sighed, not even bothering anymore.

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