What Gives Them the Right?

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Dear Diary,

What gives them the right?

The right to hate, to scorn, to lie?

What is it for?

Is it for entertainment?

For laughs?

They just stare.

I feel their gaze, their sight burns through my heart.

What gives them this right to gawk at my soul and judge me?

They look at me with the same disdain that they always have, I ignore it, or I attempt to.

Why do I even try?

They look with hate because that's all they understand.

They see me as a threat to their life, their joy, but if they were to look at the world with unbiased eyes, with no fear.

They would never be as harsh.

This beautiful world, they will make this world crumble.

What gives them the right to this hypocrisy?

They judge, but can't be judged themselves.

Is that pedestal fun?

That glass pedestal is their double sword, they fire from all angles yet crumble with just a single blow.

The walls crack, and they tumble down.

Their pedestal collapses so easily, but they rain shards of glass that make you bleed.

Dear Diary,

What gives them the right to hate?

They shun what they have never seen, to act immorally to others, but think they deserve the gold.

The only gold that embellishes them are the counterfeit lies that fall so elegantly from their lips

They say they're nice, but they're not.

They're tricksters, of the worst kind.

What gives them these rights?

They can be kind, but they aren't.

Their friendship is a bomb, ready to blow.

They stare at me.

How do I stop them?

I don't care about the way they stare at me, I can ignore them,

But others can't.

We are all people, I guess, and we all hate too.

Dear Diary,

What gives us the right to hate?

I look at myself and realize, I am only adding to their hate, I am only giving them what they want, I'm feeding the flame.

But now that I see it, I will try to stop their hate, I must show them that there is nothing to fear.

If that won't work for them, I will show the victims of their flames.

I will no longer add to the hate.

In my wake, I'll try to turn the hate into love, their fears into joy.

After all, hate is another emotion that we all have.

That is their right, their right to feel.

They don't have the right to justify their actions, but I will help lessen the collateral, I will try to lessen the damage.

They have the right to feel the way they want, but so do I, and so do the people affected by their stare.

Everyone has the right to feel.

Everyone has the right to change.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 04, 2023 ⏰

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