Lonley Silence

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Down a desolate, endless hallway, lies a lonely room, colored with dark blue sky, shades of azure. With a cream-colored carpet, with hair and dirt strewn about, and a snow-like ceiling, that's hard and rough to the touch.

This is my lonely world, my room, my life. My place where my imagination takes flight and I invite sorcery and cats who can disappear before your eyes. To the left of my dirty snow door, lies a tan bed that holds Cotton candy, and sugar cubes, it flies close to the top of my world, you can smell the sky, fresh and cold. It can be a ship, bound for the bottom of the Red Sea, or a house on the prairie, lived in by one who's hunted by the world, but it is my bed, where I sleep under Cotton candy, and rest on sugar cubes.

This is the place where dark dragons spit plasma and magma at desolate lands, and visit the ocean to create more land. A place where varies made of light filter through the blinds, and scatter around my room, lighting it with the most beautiful of shine. A computer lies in the corner, straight from the door, it's the place where I escape, where I sit and silently dream of company in my lonely room, I watch others through a window of time, a window of joy. However, if I want to get away from the world, I dance my life away on that cream-colored floor, spinning and jumping on others' heads, for I am on the top floor, second is the best, after all. I jump with all the emotions in my head, depression, happiness, love. My walls are strewn with decor that I make and cut, and put up. It's lonely in here.

This is the place where I dream, where I eat delicious food, where I live my lonely life, away from prying eyes. If you pay attention, you can hear the defending silence, it can be overwhelming when it's blasting in your ear, it can get to you if you listen for long enough. The array of feelings float and wisp in the air, like a fragrant perfume that smells of a summer rose, ruby and full. Questions scream into your mind, the silence puts them there, and the silence fills your mind with the screams of unanswered questions. Why do I live in a world full of death and life? Why do I care in this meaningless world? Why is the world of life an unfair game of chess where the world can put any pawn in any space and take anything out?

This is the crystallized prism of my demise, beneath the prying eyes of the light transcending from the sky.

This is where I dance, at night in the depths of darkness at 5 Am, and to the dragging slowness of 10 Pm.

This place is my world, my home, my life.

Too bad I'm always drowning in the defining silence, all alone.

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