The Girl

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Oh to be a girl, A girl without fear

A life of uncertainty

Yet a life that is clear

Oh to be a girl, A girl who knows no pain

Through the hard times & the breakups

She still dances in the rain

Everything exciting

Nothing ever breaking

Feeling not forsaking

The gravity is shaking

The earth crumbles beneath her feet

Revealing a fiery trench

The tornado blowing her towards the edge

The smell of Hell's foul stench

Yet she sings as she spins

Laughing 'til it hurts her gut

Joy flowing through her body

Healing each & every cut

She's shatterproof

She's beautiful

As she breaks free from her cage

She's a lion untamed

A force of nature & 

The whole world is her stage

The power of others can't stop her

She lives her life without shame

She controls her timeline triad

Past, present, future all the same

She trots around the globe

Leaving marks with every step

Yet every step upon her heart

Is one that shall never be kept

Each cut each bruise each break

Always healing from within

Like liquid not like glass but

Still reflective on her skin

Harmed but never injured

Hurt but not destroyed

A girl who runs her life &

Who fills her every void

She's shatterproof

She's like no one

She owns her mind

Her battle's won

Torn Girl

She was washing off the blood

Staining her clothes & skin

She doesn't know what happened there

Or when it all began

Filled with hate

Alone is her fate

Who knows what she could become

If she'd stop hanging out with scum

She tore her clothes

They tore her soul

She started to loath

Tears started to roll

Tears of fear

Stream down her face

Where is the grace

Where is the grace

People leave you lonely

Black as coals

The hole in her soul

No one reaches out

When she shouts loud

Streams of tears

Rivers of fear

Flowing down her face

Feeling empty space

Lost in a maze

Where is the grace


Once a girl full of wonder

Now mobile, breathing corpse

Go to work, then come home

Nothing happens but remorse

Holidays are nonexistent

Feelings just the same

Eating to postpone the grave

In this body devoid of flame

Her life perceived as over

No writing & no thoughts

Ceasing to create her own

How can this cycle be stopped?

Swept into imaginary worlds

Through books & in her dreams

Scrolling through her phone

Wasting time staring at memes

What happened to the soul

That sparkled like a diamond

In the society, which is rough?

Her light diminished

Her world now dark

When will it be enough?

They say the spirit is eternal

That it goes beyond the grave

But, what happens when the spirit

Becomes the body's slave?

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