✧ Five | The Eye of the Myth ✧

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"So," I continued, "why exactly are you here?"

She sighed as she took a seat next to me. "The Shardé Divinity. It had finally struck my village and this was the only place I could escape to."

I stared at her with a raised eyebrow. I wanted to say "huh?" like the idiot I was but this seemed like a serious topic.

"You don't know? The oh so glorious empire that has been ruining our everyday lives?"

I blinked. An empire? Back home, no one really cared about claiming land as much as they did in maybe the 1500s or so. Seeming how this world lacked technology, it only made sense that this world was still new. And owning an immense amount of land might've given them some sort of social status.

"I'm sorry," is all I could come up with. I had to blend into this world in order to keep a low profile and not look suspicious. So, naturally, I came up with a way to lie about my knowledge. "That must be hard on you. I know how hard it is to escape an empire like that. I had a few distant relatives who had been thrown from their homeland."

I better have not sounded stupid with that statement.

"But you just raised your eyebrow at me like you didn't know what the empire was."

Crap. I had been compromised.

"Yeah, uh, so how were you able to escape?" I inquired, trying so hard to change the subject.

"I actually wasn't home at the time. I was in the neighboring village, but the news traveled quickly, so I ran further knowing that the place I was staying in had a high chance of the empire striking. But, the empire had made its way over before I could leave. I was caught up in all the fighting, hence the bruises, but I was finally able to run away."

That sounded quite impressive considering how villainous she had described this empire. "Glad you're okay, now."

"Now, will you tell me where you are from and why you are here?"

Damn, she won't give this a rest. "Hey, what's your favorite colo-"

"No." She interfered again. "Don't change the subject! Why are you here? You think you can hide it? All I have to do is look at your eyes!"

She was standing now, towering over me. All I could do was stare obliviously.

But that last sentence had caught me off guard. "What did you say about my eyes?"

"Y-you've never heard the myth?" she asked with shaky hands.

She was trembling. But why? "What myth?"

"The one about the third most powerful species!"

I couldn't get past this. There was no way I could fake the knowledge of a whole world's history without sounding ignorant. I had to tell Khaleesi, even if it seemed outrageous. I couldn't be accused of things I didn't even know existed.

"It was literally an accident that I stumbled into your world, I don't know what I'm doing here."

Khaleesi spoke defensively again. "What do you mean my world? As an Altum Tier, you should at least claim your world!"

Altum Tier? My world? Hold up, what are you saying? She wasn't going to stop accusing me with gibberish until I gave her an excuse to.

Which led me to say, "behold, the blank stare of confusion."

And I stared blankly at her forehead because that's what made people uncomfortable.

Khaleesi faced the other direction, probably out of discomfort. She sat back down, this time farther away from me, at the edge of the couch. She rested her hands on her knees.

Word From A World | Commence - Book 1Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ