Love At First Sight

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"Hi Mariam" I say as she gives me a hug. Next she gives Hayden a hug, the hug is a little longer than the hug she gave everyone else and I can see Clementine getting jealous. Then Mariam gives Clementine a hug and then Piper. "Come on inside" Mariam's mom says opening the door more so we can come in. We all walk into Mariam's house and sit on the couch. "I can't believe y'all are here" Mariam says excitedly. "We got tickets for the amusement park in an hour" Mariam's mom says. We all load onto the 5 uber's ot takes for all of us to get to the park. Jentzen whispers something to Piper and I pretend not to notice. The first ride we decide to go on is a roller coaster. While waiting in line Hayden comes up to me "hey Soph" he says "hi hayden" I say "I need advice on how to ask clem out" he says "she says that she's always been wanted to be asked out on an Instagram or Tik Tok live" I say "okay thanks" he says and walks back over to Clementine. We all get onto the roller caoster and it starts to take off. That's when I realize it goes upside down. I hate roller coasters that go upside down unless it's an indoor roller coaster. Jentzen grabs my hand when he sees the panic in my eyes. Once again he doesn't pay attention to the fact the ride has ended. "Jentzen, Sophie the rode ended like 30 seconds ago!" Walker and Piper shout. We stay at the amusement park until 5pm. When we get back to our villa Hayden starts the live stream.  Jentzen is about to sit down but I whisper to him "let Clem sit there, he's gonna ask her out" "it's about time" he says and we sit close enough to hear what's going on. "Hey guys" Clementine says while sitting in the chair next to him. They start reading and answering questions and that's my que to comment. I comment are you and Clem dating? "We have a question from Soph" Clem says "can't you just ask us in person were seriously right here" she finishes. I shake my head no and Hayden reads the question "Are Clem and I dating" "not yet" Clem says under her breath "will you go on a date with me on monday" he asks "yes" she says blushing. Everyone starts cheering and there are alot of happy coments. Then we decide to play hide and seek.

We all decide to play hide and seek which is part of the plan to ask Sophie out. Piper says she has a plan and all I need to do is go along with it. We hide in the laundry room and then Piper texts me that the plan is almost starting. We've been waiting an hour and then Piper texts me ask her out already. Here goes nothing "Sophie will you be my girlfriend again?" I ask "you do not know how long I've been waiting for you to ask me that" she says. Then the door burst open and everyone's cheering. Sophie laughs finding out that this was all planned out. We all decide to go out for dinner at a Chinese restaurant. When we get back home, Sophie opens her fortune cookie and it said 'you will find your soulmate soon' "I already found mine" she says and then we both lean in. She kissed me! She actually kissed me! "Oh my god!" Piper and Walker shout excitedly and we both look at them not knowing they were there. "Jophie just kissed!" They shout and everyone else rushes out. "I knew it!" Emily shouts "finally" Jenna and Indi say. When we get back to LA 2 days later we make it official that we're dating. All the fans are so supportive and it makes me so happy that they're supportive. Of course there are the people who say I should be with Piper and the people who say Sophie should be with Walker, but there are so many fans. I guess that's one thing about being an influencer is there's alot of pressure but you have to remember to do what you want to do, and to date and be friends with whoever you want to. I'm really in love with her. "It was love at first sight" she says to the Instagram live "love at first sight" I agree.

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