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I grab my suitcase out of my mom's rental car and thank her for dropping me off. I walk into the airport with nobody else, it feels weird because I always have someone else with me on plane flights. I'm fliying back to LA a day early to surprise Sophie and the rest of the squad. The only person who knows is Piper because she's picking me up from the airport. I go through baggage claim and then stop at Starbucks to get a pink drink. When my pink drink is ready I take it and head towards my flight. When I get there it's 2 minutes before they're letting anyone in the plan so I sit there and wait 2 minutes. Then we start boarding the plane, I walk to one of the middle rows because I find that those are the best seats. I grab out my phone to turn it on airplane mode and then go to my Netflix downloads so I can watch a movie. When the plane lands I text Piper and Piper says that they need to drop Sophie off at set and then they can come get me. I grab my luggage and wait for them to come. When they arrive I get in the car "I'm so excited to see everyone's reactions" Piper says as I buckle my seatbelt, "Me too" I say. When we get to the house I sit on the couch and Jenna walks in soon after. "Jentzen!" Jenna shouts excitedly coming to hug me. She's like the mom of the group so of course she's happy to see me. Then Walker walks in and hugs me. Everybody else reacts and then we go to pick Sophie up. I hide in the back of the Jeep while Piper and her mom go to get Sophie. When they all walk back to the car they decide to go to starbucks. When we get to Starbucks I come out from the back of the jeep. "Oh my god" Sophie exclaims while turning back to hug me. "What are you doing here?" She asks "I decided to come back a day early" I say. We go into starbucks and I get a pink drink, Sophie gets a Vanilla coffee, and Piper gets a Caramel coffee. Walker, Indi, and Sawyer meet up with us at universal and we all go to see a movie. We then all hang out at universal and then Sophie's mom drops us all off at home.

                        The next day  
Jenna is officially moving into the guest house for a few weeks today. Jenna says she just needs to get away for a while, which everyone understands. It's hard when your parents get a divorce but you eventually learn that it's not your fault and that it's better that your parents are happy and not fighting. I walk downstairs to help Jenna move her boxes into the guest house. When we get done moving all of her boxes into the house she starts unpacking and Piper and I help her. "Thank y'all" Jenna says "of course" Piper replies. "Giys I just came up with a great idea" Piper says "we should buy a mini mansion and make a hype house for teens" She adds "last time you suggested that you pranked the while squad" I say and Jenna agrees. "I'm serious" She says and then shows us a house that looks perfect. "Are we seriously considering this?" I ask as we pull up to the house to buy it "definitely!" Piper and Jenna exclaim. When we bought the house we went to go tell everyone else in the squad. We start with Jentzen "hey Jentzen" we say as he meets us in the limo we have parked outside his house. The plan is to recreate the prank that Piper did on us a few weeks back so that everyone thinks it's a prank. "This is a prank" he says when we tell him about it. "Call your parents and ask them if you can move in" I say "but it's a prank" he says "no it's not" Piper says. He calls his mom and she says yes and though he's not fully convinced he claims one of the biggest rooms in the house. Next is Clementine "Clementine!" We explain as she runs oit of her house "hey guys" she says while getting in the limo. "No way. Is this a prank?" Clementine asks "no" Jenna, Piper, and I say in unison. We surprise everyone else and they still think it's a prank. We all start a live on instragram on Piper's account and we all explain what's going on. We answer fan questions and then all head home to pack and get ready to move in. "I seriously just moved in to this back house and now I'm moving out so I can move into another house" Jenna says. "Let's tell the squad about Australia tomorrow" Jentzen suggest in the group face time between Clementine, Walker, him, and I. "It would be like a new hype house squad trip" Clementine explains "what's the name for the house  anyways?" Walker asks "I don't know" I say "wanna have a squad group chat and ask for suggestions" Jentzen suggest
"Yeah" we all agree and we add everyone se into the face time. "House name suggestions?" Jentzen asked "Influencerz" Emily suggest "not a bad idea" we all agree. "Kay kay. I'm making a tik tok account right now" Piper says. "The password is Content" Piper adds. We all log into the account excitedly. "Good night guys. See y'all tomorrow" Emily says and we end the chat. I text in the group chat operation "Australia" is a go. Clementine respond with can't wait to see Mariam again in a week.

                        The next day

Sophie, Clementine, Walker, and I decide to surprise Piper first. "Piper we have some news" Sophie says, we hand her an envelope that has a plane ticket in it. "No way! This is a prank" Piper says on the verge of tears. "It's not a prank we're going to Australia in 6 days" Walker says "I can't believe y'all did this" Piper says and hugs all of us. We surprise everyone else and then we all get our rooms set up in the house. I decide to talk to Piper about how to ask Sophie out in Australia. "Somehting cute but not too romantic" she says " I have an idea!" she adds excitedly "what is it?" I asks excitedly.

Authors note: Oh my goodness 2.5k reads!

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