Late Night FaceTime

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Tomorrow I leave to go to Austin. I decide to facetime Sophie and see how her day was. Yesterday she found out that her dad was arrested and I want her to know that I'm here for her. I facetime her and it doesn't even ring for more than 4 seconds before she picks up. "Hey Soph" I say "Hey Jentzen" She replies. "How's your day been" I ask "I went to set and filmed and then got home and didn't cry as much as I did yesterday. How's your day been" she says "my day was good" I say. "Good" she replies smiling. I smile back and quietly ask "how do you think Piper will react when she finds out we're all going to Australia?" "I think she is going to be so happy" She replies. "You haven't told anyone yet right?" I ask "of course not" she says and I can tell she's not lying. "Are you excited to go to Austin tomorrow?" She ask "yeah" I say "I'm gonna miss you, everyone is gonna have their crush here for all these challenges we do except for me" She says "and Jenna" I remind her "oh yeah. Cruise boy, how could I forget about him she talks about him so much" she says and we both laugh. "You're gonna have so much fun back in Austin though" Sophie says. There's a moment of awkward silence before I hear Piper shout "say hi to Jentzen for me Soph!" we both laugh and then Sophie says "Piper says hi" "tell Piper I say hi too" I shout and we both laugh again. "Okay bye" Piper shouts speaking her head through the door "bye" I say. "How's Jenna doing?" I ask "she's still in the guest house, I think she's gonna go home tomorrow though" she replies. "She practically lives with y'all already why don't y'all just ask her to live into the guest house" I suggest "that's not a bad idea" she says surprised. I fake an offended look and then say "so how was set today?" I ask "It was fun, I filmed two scenes today" she says. "What do you miss most about Austin?" She asks "my friends and family that live there" I answer "I'm sure they miss you as well" she says. "promise to facetime every single day?" I ask "okay." She says "you don't have to though because you're probably gonna want to hang out with your friends in Austin" "I can make time in the day to facetime you" I say. There's another moment of silence where nothing is said and we're both just staring at the screen. "What time does your flight leave tomorrow?" She asks "5am" I say "that means we have until like 3:00 to talk" she says. The current time is 1am so I set an alarm for 3:00. We talk for a few more minutes and then my sister shouts "say hi to Sophie for me" not this again we both laugh as Sophie says "hi". "Finish packing" my sister says while walking out of the room. I continue packing my suitcase while Sophie and I talk. It's 2:10 when I'm done packing. "What are you doing today?" I ask Sophie "filming youtube videos with Piper, Walker, Indi, Clementine, and everyone else." She replies "Cool" I say. She grabs a package of Annie's gummies and opens it. "Everyone in the squad is obsessed with those things, how do y'all have any left" I ask "Jenna and I have hidden boxes in the guest house" she says "cool" I say "yeah". I look at the clock 2:20. We talk for a while longer and then we end the facetime so I can get ready for the flight.

When the face time ends I decide to make some tik toks. I post a few drafts that I made a few days ago. I grab a book and start reading. I get through 5 chapters before Piper rushes into my room "everyone's here or on their way" she says "okay" I reply getting up from my bed.  "Hi" I say to everyone "why do you look so tired Sophie?" Jenna asked concerned "she stayed up all night talking to Jentzen" Piper says "omg Jophie is so cute" Emily says. We decide to film a last to leave the house challenge which is really easy so we decide to have alot of twist along the way. There are 14 of us Piper, Jenna, Clementine, Hayden, Emily, Ryker, Symonne, Walker, Lev, Alex, Indi, Sawyer, Azalea, and I. We decide to only use the downstairs rooms in the house and we decide there should be three people in a room at a time. We all spin the wheel to see what three things we can get. I spin the wheel once and get my phone, the second time I get a backpack which means I can fit as much stuff as I can in it and I can use that, I also get water. Piper gets her phone, a blanket, and a granola bar. Walker gets Starbucks coffee, his phone, and a phone charger. Everyone else spins the wheel and gets their items. I take the backpack and run up to my bedroom to fill the backpack. I put the few packs of Annie's gummies that I have and put them in my backpack. I put two chargers in my backpack, I put my book and my computer in my backpack. I put headphones and one of Jentzen's hoodies in the backpack and I walk to the kitchen and fill the backpack with more food and water. We start the challenge and Walker, Piper, and I all run to the bedroom that's connected to the bathroom. We all sit on the floor and I take the Annie's gummies out if my backpack. "Oh my goodness you're a genius!" Piper says excitedly. We all take a package and I open my computer and pull up stranger things. We all watch until Hunter comes in and says we have to switch rooms. The three of us run into the living room   and sit on the couch. We play stranger things on the TV since you can use whatever's in the room. When I get out of the challenge I jump on the trampoline. After jumping on the trampoline I check my phone and I have a text from Jentzen letting me know that he made it to Austin. I also have a notification that he posted something on Instagram

 I also have a notification that he posted something on Instagram _________________________________________

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Already missing you @sophiefergi

@sophie_fergi: miss you too 💙

@Piperrockelle: Omg this is too cute!

@Jenna.Davis: I sware y'all make me feel so single

@Emilydobson: Jophie for life

@jophie.shipper: Jenna said they make her feel so single. Does that mean they're dating?
I smile and when Emily, Jenna, and Piper get out of the challenge they immediately start asking me questions about the post and my reply back. "Are y'all dating again and y'all didn't tell me?" Piper asks "please tell us we need to know" Jenna pressures. I answer there question with a simple "no" and go back to jumping on the trampoline. What they didn't know is that I wished he was my boyfriend again too. "Jentzen Ramirez what have you done too me?" I say to myself. When everyone leaves and we end the video I get a text from Jentzen. "Late night facetime?" He asks "you really don't have anyone to hang out with right now" I reply "I really don't" he text back. I accept his facetime request when it appears on my screen and we talk for hours.

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