Chapter Five - Braveness of a Weary Heart

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“Vannah, I promise you. I will never leave you unless you want me to. I will always be here for you, and I don’t know how many times I’m going to have to tell you this Vannah, but I might as well ink it on my forehead, considering you won’t believe me,” he laughed. I let out a small giggle, and smiled up at him.

“Please don’t leave me here alone Oliver. You’re my best friend, I don’t want to go through Hogwarts without you. Let’s not worry about Christian. He doesn’t understand what it’s like not to have any other friends that don’t want to put make-up on you every two seconds. I have to be brave, but I’m weary. What if he hurts you? What if something really bad happens to you?” I asked, as I looked into those brown eyes that I will never forget.

“Oh come on now lassie,” he began, his Scottish accent only making me feel worse about this whole idea. “I’m me! I’ll never let myself get put down by people, and especially not Christian!” He cried, as he put both hands on the side of my face, and continued to wipe away a few tears.

“Vannah, I promise, I won’t leave you alone. I will never leave you alone.” He whispered, as he lent his forehead against mine. But the moment just had to be ruined by the bell that told us to go to dinner.

“Come on Oliver, let’s go.” I whispered, as I stood up off the windowsill, and held out my hand to him to take. He took my hand in his and stood up away from the windowsill. We started to walk down the abandoned hallway, hand in hand, until Oliver dropped my hand, and slung his arm around my shoulders, and pulled me into his side.

“Don’t worry Sav, your brother won’t do anything unless he wants to risk getting himself detention, and points taken away from Ravenclaw. You’ll be fine. Don’t worry.” He pressed a light, chaste kiss on my forehead, but pulled away when we walked into a larger hallway, that wasn’t as abandoned. The one person I really didn’t want to run into, was a little way down at the end of the hallway.

I had never been one for architecture, but even I had to admit, that some of Hogwarts was very articulately done. The columns looked to be twisted into vines and magical creatures, the stone was a beautiful cream, and the floor was a stony marble. If I didn’t know better, I’d say it was all enchanted.

“Ignore him Vannah.” Oliver whispered in my ear. We had reached the end of the hallway, where Christian was sitting with his friends, and his new ‘toy’ of the week, Alana. Christian glared at Oliver, and I shot one straight back.

“Just because I promised Christian, doesn’t mean I’m going to cut off a friendship with someone that has been nothing but friendly since the day I got here. By the way, your bitch is drooling.” I smiled a sickly sweet smile, and turned away with Oliver, but not before I heard a shrill, feminine, ‘nails on a chalkboard’ voice.

“Excuse me!? You’re the one that’s the bitch, you slut!” She yelled. I turned around to see Christian’s girlfriend, stalking toward me. She kept walking until she got right in front of me and Oliver. Christian just looked shocked at what this chick had just called me.

I laughed slightly, and then looked at her with the famous Chambers stare. Practically a really well executed death glare. I was the only one in the family that could do it better than my great-grandfather, who invented the stare itself.

“Bitch please, if you were a cookie, you’d be a Whoreo.” I smiled again, at the look of sheer disbelief written all over her face, as the students around us, cracked up laughing.

“Gee Christian. I think your standards are getting a little low, don’t you think?” I then turned away from Christian, his friends, and his annoying twat of a girlfriend, and walked into the Great Hall.

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